[알쓸신세]"I can not wait to see the show …" What Instagram has changed


Le Figaro, a French company, recently opened a toy store in the Flatiron district of New York. This is a place called "camp". with a size of 1021㎡ (about 306 pyeong). Sea, jungle, etc. This is because of the special space behind the store. The toys sold according to the theme are different. I will go further in selling goods and try it. Le Figaro described this as "Instagramable".

Including the industry and the incredible grammatical enthusiasm. It's a new word badociated with social media (SNS), based on photos and videos, and "capable". It means "something that can be put on instagram", which is a buzzword of global marketing.

Food has become more "stylish" and the visual element has become important, and you need to get a certified photo for Instagram to become a business. For reference, INSTADGRAM has more than one billion users worldwide.

The New York Times (NYT) reported the resurgence of retail stores that recently closed in the United States. In the world[[[[KnowalIf you look To writefull ShinTime limit ThreeNew]Let's take a look.

"I have to take this!" … Win in a snowy visual

"In the past two years, experience has quickly become a real business hub around major US cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles," said Le Figaro. The main objective is "to add to the pride of the account instagram (of the customer)," he added.

    "Pharmacy". [사진 인스타그램]

NYT's so-called "Selfie Friendly" is a "pharmacy" opened last month at Tribeca, Manhattan's main home. "Dirty Lemon" is a place of sale of branded health drinks.

In addition to the interior of the store, such as a high ceiling, an artificial plant and a large mirror that allows you to look throughout the body, it sells special experiences and is considered a grammar place instagram. This is an unattended store, with no staff, including cashier.

"Pharmacy" at the customer's look at the number of characters. [사진 뉴욕타임스(NYT)]

When you enter the store, you will see a message on the digital sign that says, "Pack your bottle and send it to us." Choose your favorite drink and send a letter to the number you are calling. An agent waiting 24/24 will answer you. Once you have sent your name, e-mail address and card information, your payment will be completed. The so-called "system of honor".

"Our clients are mostly young women, they were tired of the marketing that forced them to keep buying, and I am more attracted to the experience of experiencing something," said Jacques Normandin, who runs the Gadget Store. He says he has changed his strategy by using the bulk of his digital advertising budget, which represents about $ 4 million a year (about 4.53 billion won), in offline stores.

Angus Pride, director of the Evelyns Cafe Bar in Manchester, UK, agrees with Norman Dean. "" Insta (Gram) Friendly "has become the heart of everything we do," says Pride. Here too, hanging from the ceiling, long expanses of plants, bright lighting, brick walls, etc., the design of the store attracts the momenta gurmas.

    "Evelyns Cafe Bar". [사진 인스타그램]

Chefs are also deeply involved in developing menus to receive "photos". This is how the rainbow bagel, the unicorn ice cream, etc. were born.

There is also a place called "Black Tab" in Manhattan, New York. This is not a typical hamburger, but a milkshake called "Craikh Sheikh". It sells for $ 15, with candies, cookies, pretzels, cotton candy and even a piece of cake, which would represent more than 1,600 calories per serving. One hour is enough to eat online.

    & # 39; Shek crazy & # 39; [사진 비지니스 인사이더]

I can not help but overlook the rainbow cakes in six stages of a bakery called "Flower Shop" in New York. When I cut it, the granulated candies burst like bombs and they were named "Exploding Cakes". Kim Kardashian and others have demonstrated the effectiveness of viral marketing by uploading their authentication photos to their Instagram account.

"Explosive cakes". [사진 데일리 메일]

In London, "Selfieccino", where customers' faces were drawn on coffee, became popular. Take a picture on the "terrace" of Oxford Street and send it to Barista, who will paint the cappuccino or hot chocolate as a garnish. It is an advanced coffee that gives the shape of the heart with the common bubble.

A month after opening the door, SNS has released thousands of messages left by the hashtag # selfieccino. "Eating is no longer about eating good food and drinks, it's about creating a unique experience that can be recorded in Instagram."

"Selfieccino" struck in London, England. [사진 유튜브]

The exhibition is also popular as a concept of plans calling for certified plans

Popup Exhibition 'Egg House'. [사진 월스트리트저널(WSJ)]

In Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Kathy Pedray has decided to travel to New York because of the photos featured in the Instagramgram feed earlier this year. They were the ones who went to the "House of Eggs" to break the ticket for $ 19 (about 21,700 won). It is an ephemeral exhibition that has been held on the theme of the egg for 12 weeks. It is a kind of "visual exhibition" which consists of the exhibition space itself, which looks like a photo area, such as a swimming pool and a swimming pool. large egg that seems to have released yellow and white. I caught the taste of young people who wanted to take pictures full of personality. This was the subject that only 900 people were found on average over the weekend.

SNS has even changed the form of the exhibition that allows to appreciate the works of art with the look on the type of experience. Ice Cream Museum, Candy Topia, Color Factory are all places like this.

"Rosemen". [사진 인스타그램]

The "Rosemen Mansion" ephemeral wine museum opened its doors in the summer and 14 thematic rooms inspired the Insta Grammers.

You can taste the rosé wines of 8 countries and you can see the story if you put about 50,000 won. The key is also the instantaneous low point – grammable. In the sparkling wine room you can see a large champagne fountain, a giant chandelier, pink sand, roses and flamingos, also called Instagram Paradise.

"Rosemen". [사진 CNN]

Recently, the world's first pizza museum in Brooklyn, USA has sold 10,000 tickets since it opened. This is where many artists have participated to make more of their mouths. Singer and filmmaker Adam Green designed the "Pizza Beach" room. It includes a piece of pizza made of sun and palm trees. In particular, the pizza box of Scott Weiner containing 100 Guinness discs is on display.

"Color Factory" opened in New York. [사진 CNN]

Office change

The office is not the space in which I want to stay long. The heavy and hard atmosphere will be particularly beneficial. Airbnb can be different if you are an employee.

"It's like you're traveling around the world without a pbadport." Those who visit the Airbnbie office on Cecil Street in Singapore say:

A meeting room on the theme of Cappadocia in Turkey between Airbnb offices in Singapore. [사진 에어비앤비]

Thirteen meeting rooms look like real Airbnb Inns in Turkey, Sri Lanka, China, Hong Kong and elsewhere. Above all, the room that imitates the apartment in Batignolles in Paris is the most popular.
The same goes for Adobe Systems, a graphics software company. This is typical of a pig model coming out of a wall. "I think employees can do their best when they feel creative and comfortable, and this environment will enhance innovation and collaboration and deliver better results," says Rick Klein of Adobe.

Adobe Systems Office. [월스트리트저널(WSJ)]

The American online media Buzz Feed also has a place for self-esteem throughout the office. The number of global companies that are transforming SNS to attract more job seekers is increasing. Instagrammable becomes a way of life beyond trends.

Hwang Su-yeon reporter [email protected]

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