[애물단지 신세 1000만 경유차] The theory of printing the tax on diesel engines also stands out in the limitation of the diesel car


Diesel barriers and fine dust problems become "environmental destructions" … All local elections are "out of date"

There is one vote in the last provincial election. This is a commitment to deal with fine dusts, especially "old cars", which are designated as a cause of fine dust. In addition, the Democratic Party proposed to "solve fine dust" as a promise in five points: "By 2022, we will advance the reduction of diesel cars by promoting the early disposal of old cars." He said that he would actively promote the conversion of LPG cars into small diesel trucks operating in residential areas. The free government of Korea has pledged to support up to 3 million won by replacing the truck with a 1t LPT truck after announcing that "Korea without worrying about fine dust" was the ten key promises of the elections. provincial. In addition, the government said it would reduce the individual consumption tax by 70% if old cars older than 10 years were discarded and new cars were purchased. The right-wing party and the Justice Party have also adopted a similar policy as a local electoral engagement, which has made the voices of "dump cars" heard.

[Nettoyage de diesel-propre]

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  The clean diesel taxi that was unveiled in front of the commemorative room of the National Assembly in 2011.

From 2017, the number of registered cars of 957,695 vehicles is gradually decreasing. The government and political circles have pushed the use of diesel cars all over the world. The day after the local elections, legislation on light vehicles was initiated in the National Assembly. Lee Sang-don, member of the Environment and Labor Committee of the National Assembly, proposed an amendment to the special law on the improvement of the atmospheric environment in the metropolitan region of Seoul, which limits the use of light vehicles to reduce fine dust. The bill contains restrictions on the use of diesel cars in small trucks used in schools and courier services for children. By limiting the use of diesel vehicles in the small cars used for school cars and courier services, the government will systematically manage the sources of air pollution in the metropolitan area, where air pollution is severe. , in order to protect the health of the inhabitants. I wanted to use the basic purpose of the project. "

In April, the Ministry of Environment announced that electric cars and hydrogen cars would be ranked 1, gasoline cars and gasoline cars will receive 1 rating according to the year of production and 3 stars (released after September 2009) Grade (released before 2005) .The city of Seoul is pushing to ban entry into city centers for diesel cars of 5th grade. 39 Environment is also looking at parking fees and congestion charge increases, in addition to the limitation of old cars.The Seoul Metropolitan Government has already been restricting the operation of international cars since June. As a measure of reduction of emergencies of fine dust is emitted, all vehicles registered before December 31, 2005, which have significant sales of pollutants, will be banned from operating in Seoul. you must pay a fine of 100,000 won. It aims to drive down sales because the diesel car is the main cause of pollution of the environment.

Dramatic taxation After Ando's local elections, In order to reduce the preference for diesel cars, it is necessary to increase taxes or fares. The printing of the tax on diesel becomes more concrete. The Special Committee on Financial Reform of the Presidential Policy Planning Committee presented the revised draft of the Ferry Tax on June 18 to the regular forum of the Energy Conversion Forum. We will raise the basic tax rate and the tax rate of the elasticity of light oil by 50 won per liter each. The current tax rate for the current diesel is 340 won per liter and the tax rate of elasticity is 375 won per liter. If the light oil tax increases according to the revised bill, the ratio of gasoline and diesel prices, currently from 100 to 85, will be reduced to 100 to 91. The pressure of the international community is increasing. also intensifies. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said on June 20, in a key recommendation of the Korea Economic Daily, that "the increase in the environmental tax should partially reduce the difference between taxes on the diesel and gasoline ".

The increase in the tax on diesel fuel had become a problem a year ago. The Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Lands, Transport and Maritime Affairs discussed measures to reduce fine dust: l & d Korean Institute of Public Finance and the Ministry of Lands, Transport and Maritime Affairs I have presented the scenario. At that time, the information department had abandoned the plan to increase the price of diesel on June 26, two days after the publication of the news on the light oil tax. This was because the effectiveness as a fine dust reduction measure was not clearly proven and that it could have a negative effect on the rate of economic growth, but it was concerned about strong tax resistance. Since then, the government has shown a cautious attitude towards deregulation by becoming aware of public opinion, but it is possible that the orientation changes due to the confirmation of public support for the government administration of the government.

Over the past decade, government policy on diesel cars has largely shifted. In the past, the Roh Moo-hyun government has authorized the sale of diesel cars, and the Lee Myung-bak government has triggered the purchase of diesel cars with its "clean diesel" policy. We have also encouraged the expansion and sale of light vehicles through various benefits and supports. Environmentally friendly cars are exempt from environmental improvement fees, and concessions such as concessions on concession parking and concessional parking reductions are offered when the Namsan Tunnel is used. In 2015, the government paid the petrol price subsidy to the taxi. Since 2009, when the government has designated light-duty vehicles as environmentally friendly vehicles, sales of diesel vehicles have jumped 33% in five years. At the time, the purchase of diesel cars was a reasonable choice for consumers. Light trucks are more expensive than petrol cars, but the difference was offset by the difference in price between gasoline and diesel. Considering the difference between the price of the car and the price of fuel, it is calculated that the initial cost will be recovered if the car is purchased for about five years. The added benefit here is that government support is added. That's why consumers bought a car and had a car.

However, the situation has changed drastically as a result of the Volkswagen "diesel door" incident in 2016. It was revealed that the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, which was putting on Focus on "clean diesel", was not true, as it was found that the car was discharging 23 times more nitrogen oxides than gasoline cars. Since then, the car has been labeled as the main culprit of the pollution. Consumers who bought diesel cars with faith in the government's distribution policy are now excluded from all the benefits at the moment, and even eating snowballs as a "noble" driver driving fine dust vacuum cleaners. As dust has become a problem here, social pressure on light vehicles has become stronger. The regulation of light trucks also influenced the fact that it was easy to expect the reduction of fine dust. In addition to automobile sources of road pollution, fine dust is the result of the combination of non-polluting sources such as fine dust from China, factories and power plants, but there are limits to their regulation.

The problem is the consumer who has a car. Due to the policy change, expensive cars have cost more to manage. A driver who was driving a seven-year-old diesel car said, "I'm already paying fees for these things and now, when the price of oil goes up, my concern is greater. I feel frustrated. "The day of the diesel car was set up, but we still do not know how to make a business car with the livelihoods of small business operators such as couriers, trucks and cars. There are many old vehicles that are designated as the main cause of fine dust in business vehicles.It is possible that the government may be criticized as "measures to eliminate the main cause of pollution" after applying exceptions for reasons of economic activity.Kim said: "In the end, the automobile is chosen by the consumer according to economic logic." He said: "Success or the Failure depends on how much you can attract consumers with green cars. "

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