[약업신문] Valsartan escalation, drug safety problem and generic drugs


Report on the KFDA Working Report … Recovery by August 8th and "Generic Council" Plan

The "Valsartan Crisis", highlighted in the KFDA Report, once again highlights the problem of the safety management system of drugs and generic drugs. 19659003] The Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly held a general meeting in the meeting room on the 26th and received reports from the Food, Drug Administration, the National Health Insurance Corporation and the Health Insurance Review Agency

was a "Chinese Valsartan incident".

  (From left to right) Choi, Jang Jung Sook, Representative Shin, Sang-jin ▲ (From left to right) The problem dealt with in the report of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs was emphasized from Various ways, Choi, Jung – Sook, Shin, Sang – Jin,

A study on the manufacture of food, valsartan, and the similar manufacturing process

The Director of the Pharmaceutical Department, Ryu Young-jin, commented on the security issue of the future prime minister's Valsartan type, "There is no problem other than Hawaii's products."

In addition, Jang Jung-sook pointed out the lack of direct reports from the food court and said: "June 21,

Released from the sale of valsartan by Shin Sang-jin, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Korea. the listing request, "We continue to recover from Valsartan," If the sale is canceled

  Ryu Young-jin Director of the Drug Administration

In addition to the future right president Jang Jung Sook, Democratic Party member Kim Sang-hee positively badessed the rapid response of the Valsartan crisis to the related crisis,

Jang Jung-sook said: "Although the preliminary measures and field investigations are positive, the administration seems to be far away. " In the accident manual of the medical accident, there is only one recommendation for voluntary recovery,

Representative Kim Sang-hee said: "There will be a crosstalk because of the However, there is a way for the manufacturer to notify each other, but it is possible for the importing country (the Korea Food and Drug Administration) to take steps in advance to take action. , and this part is vulnerable. "

In addition, there is a criticism that" the textbook on the drug accident crisis has been made since 2009, and

the manual about valsartan has been found to be "The State"

Director Ryu Young-jin replied, "I will make a standard textbook on related topics."

<img style = "border: currentcolor; width: 550px; height: 213px "alt =" (From left to right) Yoon Il-gyu, [ad_2]
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