[양낙규의 Defence Club] The main issue of the investigation of martial law


[양낙규의 Defence Club]  The main issue of the investigation of martial documents is
[양낙규의 Defence Club]  The main issue of the investigation of martial documents is
[아시아경제 양낙규 기자] The special issue of martial law issued by the Force Command military

The special court is a cell phone letter distributed to journalists of the Department of National Defense. "Special court composed of about 30 members of the investigation of the prosecutor and the procuracy of the army and the air force on the 13th. "The investigation team and the investigation team in charge of the investigation of the civilian population of Sailwol and the second investigation team responsible for processing documents relating to to martial law have formed a special investigation team. "

It is a matter of reviewing the measures to declare martial law and suppress candlelight vigils by using military forces.

The guilty conspiracy and the military criminal conspiracy to commit a military rebellion depend on the specificity of the content of the plan of action. That it be written on the basis of facts and that the fact that the writing of documents is checked by several people is considered a problem.

First, it must be recognized that those who participated in the preparation of documents for a conspiracy crime with a view to concluding a civil war concluded a definitive agreement to conclude a civil war and proceed to the execution. Although it is reasonable to suspect that martial law is not a civil war in the absence of stringent requirements such as the status of exposure, it must be shown that the military involved in the case conspired to make detailed plans.

However, even the interior of the military disagrees about this, even though they vaguely agree to run the civil war, or simply to exchange opinions . If the 10-page document titled "Martial Exposure and Summarize" is not the plan of execution, but the level of examination, just compile the rules of the chiefs-of-state. Joint Staff Concerning the Requirements and Procedures of War and Martial Law

On the other hand, the following elements are included in the "Future Measures" section of the document: "To prepare for the decision to indictment (to the limit) "," Prepare the application of martial law or martial law "and the provision of a readiness plan to the relevant department (Department of National Defense) . "In particular, the adjacent Seoul Brigade, mobilized in the aftermath of the war, has designated three special brigades, including the 8th, 20th, 26th and 30th Divisions, the 5th Division including the Mechanized Division of Infantry and the 1st, 3rd and 9th Brigades,

Whereas the six militant divisions, two armored brigades and six special brigades are composed of martial duties, And that it is not the president of the chiefs of staff, but the commander of the martial law, who is to command an operational unit, does not correspond to the usual notion of appointing a joint chief of staff with a commanding authority. has an interpretation that it was the intention of the army, led by the military academy, to lead the situation after the seizure of martial law. At the time, Chief of Staff Lee Sung-jin belonged to the three military academies The army and the minority, and the army general, Jang Hyun-cheon, and the Minister of National Defense were all from Korea. d, s, id) {
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