[연합시론] Dispute of 'Samsung semiconductor leukemia & # 39; 11 years old, this time is over (Samsung Electronics)


The Samsung Electronics Leukemia conflict, caused by the death of a worker from Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Factory, died of leukemia. The three parties, including the borough of the civil society (representing the health and human rights of semiconductor workers) and the conciliation committee to solve the problem, organized a ceremony to sign the second round of conciliation and arbitration on 24. The agreement signed by the three parties is a promise of the KCCI that Samsung Electronics and the roundabout will accept the future proposal for arbitration.

The dispute over occupational diseases of Samsung Electronics resulted from the company's work on the factory semiconductor line Giheung, Hwang, Yum Mi was killed in March 2007 when she died of the disease. leukemia. Since then, the number of workers claiming similar damages has increased and by the end of 2017, Samsung Electronics' semiconductor and LCD companies have suffered from cancers or rare and incurable diseases such as leukemia, brain tumor, aplastic anemia and 73 people. The conflict between the company and the victim seemed to find a solution when the former Supreme Court Justice presided over the Commission at the end of 2014. However, both parties agreed on the "recommendation of the". adjustment "written in July of the following year. After finishing with the victims, Samsung Electronics refused to pay its own compensation, then went to a tent camp in front of Samsung Electronics' main building and fought for more than 1,000 days.

The long-standing confrontation was radically advanced when the KCGE sent a "public offer for the second round of adjustment" to Samsung Electronics and Roundup on the 18th. While the first round of the first round of negotiations is based on the method of "coordination", both parties accept or reject the suggestion of convergence, while the second round of negotiations is based on the opinion of both parties. . In particular, it seems that the "ultimatum" that if the opposition proposal was rejected by the KCGE in the second round of arbitration, then it would no longer work, and it seems to have played an important role in making both sides accept. From late September to early October ▲ new compensation plan ▲ compensation for round victims ▲ excuses from Samsung Electronics ▲ rounding up ▲ last resort including prevention of recurrence and social contribution Will be released.

It is late, but happy that long-running conflicts have led to the settlement process through a compromise between the parties. Samsung Electronics has been involved in the Choi case, the l & # 39; Soon – sil administration, and pleads in favor of the arbitration of the Supreme Court, it seems that Lee Jae – yong, vice president, As vice president who has struggled with the fallen trust of Samsung and the restoration of the outside image, he would have felt a lot of pressure to neglect the old challenges.

After a fight of almost three years, he praised the victims who accepted the arbitration and the faction of the roundabout. The KCT should show wisdom and perseverance to successfully end the conflict. This is an opportunity for large companies and workers to no longer fight for occupational diseases. In industry, the perception that the health and safety of workers is the most important should be widely spread.

(Seoul-Yonhap News)

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