[오늘의개봉] & # 39; With God 2 & # 39 ;, today (1 day) opening … Will the first twenty-first film be filmed?


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[OSEN=장진리 기자] The best anticipated film of this summer "With God – In and Yeon" finally arrives at the screen.

& # 39; With God – Yin & Yang & # 39; (Director Kim Yong Hwa) will meet the audience today (1 day).

"With God – Cause and Push" is a sequel to the first complete episode of "Together with God – Sin and Punishment". The last three trials that preceded the final trial of reincarnation met a saint, Lee, Seung-seung, and a story about a secret kite lost through the past. With the first feature film "Sin and Punishment", 14.4 million viewers were mobilized, and the number of Korean films was ranked second in the past.

& # 39; With God – Yin & Yang & # 39; draws attention with a successful sequel to the history of Korean cinema. The second part cleverly recovers many pieces of history scattered from one side to the other, as well as puzzles, and also opens up possibilities for the third and fourth side. "With God – Causation and Care" is a must-see film as it closes the door most effectively and opens three or four doors to the world of new gods.

The Kim Soo-hong (Kim Dong-wook) trial, which became the 49th noble of the third temple after Kim Ja-hong (Cha Tae-hyun), is only one of the outcrops of "with God. The true root of "with God – In and Kyeon" is Sang – sa – sa 's past, which continues the Kim Soo – hong trial and reveals the truth one by one as the mystery is released. If "sin and punishment" focuses on the sins and punishments of Kim Ja-hong, "With God – Causation and kinship" is a way to solve the mystery of the past relationship of Asan's inferiority , as the title of & # 39;

Jaejoong – Ji Ji Hoon – Kim Ji – gi came back stronger, who led the "thousand and more" of "Sin and Bee" with "God". Here, the union of & # 39; Seongjusin & # 39; My Dong Seok, who knows the past of the third sister, made the "Avengers". with "God and Soul". The relationship between the characters accumulated in the first part reaches the second part and exerts the power of the story. But I do not rely on tears or laughter to unravel the story. Sinpa is a virtue of decreasing the number of stories and attractions.

With God – In and Yeon & # 39; reached 700,000 copies before the opening date and reached the highest record of the previous Korean cinematographic dictionary. It is extremely high compared to the collection of 9996 preliminary hearings at 10:00 am the day before the opening ceremony "With God – Sin and Punishment". It is expected that more than 10 million people will be able to surpbad the audience with 14.4 million viewers after receiving the attention of hot audiences before the opening.

Now, with "God – Cause and Burn", the public receives a second newsletter by opening. "With God – Yin and Yeon" is one of the greatest achievements of the history of Korean cinema. /[email protected]

[사진] Lotte Entertainment Provided

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