[오늘의 운세] Thursday, what is your horoscope for fun? | dispatch



– Between Truth and Lies …

This is a day when you have to know that this is not all you are watching.

In the case of a single person, especially if you have information about your opponent, you may find that the person who looks very light may have a heavy interior or a person who claims to be decent out. You have to know. Do not reveal yourself prematurely. It is recommended to enter the opponent first. Even if you are a couple, you might be surprised to see the other side.

It seems like it's a flat level. But it is not appropriate to invest somewhere. In particular, you should not move in the words of others. Make sure you can move with the information you have obtained. There is a little manna, so it would not be so bad to buy lottery tickets or lottery tickets.


This is a good time to show a fashion a little different from other times. Today, you will naturally attract charm. If you are younger than you think, you will be able to show a mature charm. If you are older, you will be able to show a cute charm.

The affection is the best. If you are a single person, you should go to a place where many people gather. Your charm will stand out among many people. It's a very good affection even though it's a couple.

This is a simple level. It's good for you to make an investment for yourself, but you should not overdo it. I am wearing makeup but I can not afford to go anywhere.

<양자리> It would be nice to be able to control your expenses in the right direction.

– I can not stop myself!

I do not have time. I am afraid to be too impatient to make a very important decision, but I think I will make an inevitable decision. But even if you make that decision, you have to take responsibility. It is time for wisdom to turn crisis into opportunity.

The love of luck is gradually recovering. Even if you are a couple on the doorstep, you should avoid goodbyes today. You can fall into a sense of loss bigger than you think. If you are single, this is not a bad affection.

It's a good idea to make a decision quickly. You may lose money because of your undecided attitude, or you may miss profit opportunities. It is a good idea to make money related decisions as quickly as possible. You can lose it, so it's better to keep things close to your heart.


– Why so confused …

If you do not cause yourself problems, you could get in trouble because of the changing circumstances surrounding you . It's more important to stay in the middle than to take sides.

You should not make hasty judgments about your affection. Even if you like the appearance of your opponent, try to check inside the person. Even a couple can cause problems.

It's a day where the economy can experience ups and downs. The situation of fortune is suddenly good, but suddenly it can be worse, so do not do it. When you have money, you should save a little. To some extent, you should leave money for


– The energy of change is full

C & # Is the day when the energy of change is felt gradually. If there have been many problems in recent days, these problems will be solved suddenly today.

If you are a couple, you could have problems between the two, and if you have a good time, you could be suffering from a sudden problem. This may be an opportunity to revisit their meeting, and it can be a good thing to say goodbye. Even one person is not a good affection.

This is not the right time to have fun. If you are thinking of moving, you should definitely avoid this day. And it's not the right time to travel somewhere.

<게자리> You may be able to spend only your money and become tired.

– Discovery in Life

It is a day like today that I will find something new in everyday life, but elsewhere. You can discover beauty from what you have not seen up to now, and you can find yet another authenticity in the person you have despised.

The affection is a very good side. Be active with people rather than alone. You can find people you love in meetings with others, clubs, club meetings, and so on. Couples also have a good affection. If you have a loved one, you could hear very good news from your lover.

The weather is not bad. I can use a certain amount of money for myself or for someone whom I love. This is not just for saving money. It is also good to spend money when you have to spend money.

<사자자리> This is not the right time to buy expensive products.

– Every day is precious !!

It is the day when it will become an important day for oneself. Take care of every act you do. You will be able to spend a day more useful than ever if you give up your sufficiency, because the others will have something to look at you.

If you are a couple, please let them reach out first. It's good to make a gift and make an event. You will be able to see how the other person is impressed.

It's the day the castle rises, it's the day the castle rises. It will be a good deal if you look at the gradually increasing bank balance. Because there is water cascading, you may be shaken if you apply for an event. Consuming a certain amount will encourage you to improve your mood.


– A unique surprise !!

It's a day when a sensational thing can happen. It is also the day when an annoying problem is solved without knowing oneself. Make sure to look around because you could have a touch of the event for you.

The love of luck is a very good day. If you are a couple, you may receive an unexpected gift from the other party. If you give this gift, it will be good for the other.

This is not bad, but it is not suitable for the purchase of goods. For a moment, the goods you bought for what you need may be lost. It's a day with some dexterity. Please note that you can break things or lose a small amount.

– Good luck to me too …

Make it work with someone. Beside you today will be a person who brings you good luck. It is better to go out with a variety of people than to be alone.

If you are a couple, be sure to go out often. Luck can come in the middle of a date. The single person also has a bad chance of affection. Be sure to reject the preconceived notion that you and your style are different.

It's time to make a fortune and to be lucky. This is not too bad for the business figure, so if you are thinking of turning, you must be active. Opportunities related to wealth will also be created.

<전갈자리> If you do not catch it, you may not have such a chance for a while.

– It seems to be loose …

It's not easy to grab what you want in your hand. If there is something wrong, it will be resolved as it was resolved. But here is the time to give up.

The affection is a level of luck. In the case of a couple, it is believed that the mist trapped between the two people will be released. In the case of a single person, good luck will follow the accident. Take care of your appearance wherever you go, and listen to the people around you.

I will be able to stretch my shoulder when I feel a slight bounce. The closest person will help you, so if you need help, be bold and sincere to ask for help.


– Yes, it starts now …

It's the day to do a different job. I will stay busy, but not out of the mind. You could feel happy in the process. It's also the right time to start something new. Please, do not delay next week and start right now.

The affection is a lucky day. Especially if you are single, you will have the chance to meet your partner who will make you feel good. Even if it's a couple, the affection and luck are not bad. Please take a lot of time with your lover.

Economically, you may experience some confusion. If you make judgments about wealth, you must be responsible. But please think positively. The result will vary depending on what you have in mind.


– Good for others!

If you have what you have, try to share it with others. If you use your money, skills or information to do good for others, it will come back as a virtue. Think of it as an investment for a better future.

If you are a couple, you may receive an unexpected confession from your opponent. I think we can expect events and gifts. A single person also has a good affection. If you are going to a meeting, be sure to choose your style boldly.

It's also economically a good day. Even if you spend a certain amount of money on someone else, your wallet will not have a lot of problems. The money that I use today will be significant.

※ The contents of Fortune are provided by the municipal water company (www.fortune8282.co.kr)

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