[오래전 ‘이날’]On November 29, 56 years later, the Gyeongui Line, the day I cut again in a year


[오래전 ‘이날’]On November 29, 56 years later, the Gyeongui Line, the day I cut again in a year

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From 1958 to 2008, it's a corner to watch the news on the same day of the Kyunghyang newspaper every ten years. Update every day.

Pyongyang is 208.4 km from the ancient Gyeongui Line, which had been cut off from Imjingak in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province, one day before the inter-Korean summit. Kim Chang-gil

Pyongyang is 208.4 km from the ancient Gyeongui Line, which had been cut off from Imjingak in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province, one day before the inter-Korean summit. Kim Chang-gil

■ November 29, 2008 After 56 years, the Gyeongui line was closed in one year.

[오래전 ‘이날’]On November 29, 56 years later, the Gyeongui Line, the day I cut again in a year

North Korea and South Korea will conduct a joint investigation of 2,600 kilometers between the Gyeonui Line and the Donghae railway line for 18 days from the 30th. The Joint Donghae Railway Investigation is the first since the division and the Gyeongui line has been operational for about 10 years since the December 2007 joint investigation.

If you look at the atmosphere right now, you can take the Gyeongui train and walk through North Korea. Just 10 years ago, the situation was exactly the opposite.

Ten years ago, on the front page of the Kyunghyang newspaper, it was announced that the closure of an inter-Korean road in North Korea and the demand for reduction of the resident labor force have come to an end at the operation of trains in Gaeseong and Gyeongui.

The Ministry of Unification announced that it would suspend the Gyeongui Line train service and Kaesong Tour, which operate once a day between Munsan-Bongdong, on November 29, 2008. Since the beginning of the railway service on 11 December 2017, the suspension is about a year.

The reopening of the Kyongui line, interrupted for more than half a century by the Korean War, was made possible by the climate of reconciliation established between North and South during the 10th and 4th summits of the war. former President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong- The Gyeongui line, which had been shut down for 56 years, opened in the era of inter-Korean economic cooperation and began to function, but with the rapid worsening of the inter-Korean relationship under the Lee Myung-bak administration, it was essentially empty cars.

In the end, after the reopening of the inter-Korean dialogue, the railway was closed for less than a year.

The public relations planner from Pyongyang at the time said: "This is a unilateral destruction order placed in the summit declaration of October 4. I am really sorry that we have been injured, "he said." It is not advisable to turn a blind eye to North Korea, which is taking unfair measures. "

At that time, the administration of Lee Myung Bak had repeatedly stressed that there would be no change in government policy towards North Korea, unless that North Korea does not change attitudes and makes no effort to resume inter-Korean talks.

With the railway, the Kaesong Road was blocked. On December 5, 2007, Kaesung Tour was a one-day bus tour, traveling Gaeseong along the Gyeongui Line and returning in the evening, with the following courses: Parkyon Waterfall, Seongeuk Bridge, Goryeo Museum, Gwaneumsa. The Kaesong tour, which also took place on the occasion of the 10.4 summit, was held six times a week, except Monday, and an average of 300 to 600 people used it per day. A total of 11,549 tourists were registered that day.

It is said that the cut line of nobility is again followed. President Lim Jong-seok said: "In 2022, we can travel the Gyeongui Line until Beijing to support the Winter Olympics, but before that day, we can return to Busan everywhere.

■ Nov. 19, 2008 First Dignity Recognition Company

[오래전 ‘이날’]On November 29, 56 years later, the Gyeongui Line, the day I cut again in a year

Ten years ago, there was an article on the front page saying that the first national decision recognizing "dignity" had just come out.

On November 28, 2008, the twelfth civil party of the Seoul District Court ruled that the hospital should remove the ventilator from the patient, claiming in a lawsuit filed by the children that this would put an end to the unimportant treatment that saves the life of the mother in a vegetative state. This is the first national decision to recognize the right to die humanely to patients whose medical risk is not likely to be sacrificed.

"This decision is a respect for the self-determination of life that can be artificially interrupted by the patient's choice and seems to raise a social controversy about dignity," the article writes.

At the time, the medical community praised the fact that "pbadive euthanasia of patients who have no possibility of sacrifice is necessary for the nation and society" and that the Religious world is somewhat misplaced.

Since then, the social debate on dignity has been extended to legislation. The health care decision-making law for palliative care and end-of-life care, adopted by the plenary session of the National Assembly in 2016, has been in effect since February. Under the law, the patient who does not have the opportunity to regenerate himself can not receive life-saving treatment because of his decision or the consent of the family.

The number of patients suspected or suspended for two months after the promulgation of the law in April was 3213. In total, 2,774 people, or 61 people selected during the pilot project last October, decided to "natural death" ".

The quality of life is as important as the quality of life. That's why the idea of ​​"well-being", which is wonderfully well done the day of my life, has come its way.

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