[오!쎈 분석] & # 39; Mandatory pitching & # 39; villain SK-NC, Dae-tae finished Won Jae


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[OSEN=김태우 기자] It was virtually a forced launcher. It was a game in which players and fans could have more stress in hot weather.

SK and NC played their first game at Changwon Masan Stadium on 27, when they played 0-0 against the team in the first match of the weekend.

NC, who missed several opportunities, such as the possibility of a two-shot, a first-base player of eight players, a first-baseman on eight occasions, C & D Was North Carolina, but with both hits and SK's ten balls in the eighth inning, the stiffness of the SK, which had not even reached a point in 13 hits, became harder . SK has been active since the beginning of the game, picking up a lot of NC thrower rides.

In particular, he missed a crucial opportunity in the eighth inning. Lee Jae-won launcher Gang Yoon-ku missed a second-round opportunity. At the same time, hostess Park Seung-wook stole the third base and made the first and third bases. However, Kim Sung-hyun resigned as a foul ball to first base, and Na JHwan's hit was overtaken by third baseman No Jin-Hyuk.

It's NC who took the end of this boring battle while SK did not get a point before the ninth inning. The ninth success of Scrumse was crucial.

Kim Sung-wook hit a left-foot batter. NC failed in sending Ji Seok-hoon and seemed to have lost the chance, but a solver appeared. In the second half of the second half, /[email protected]

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