[오!클릭] Ryoo Hyun-jin Los Angeles Dodgers, post-season dividend of "300 million won"


The second search term is "Bonus Ryu Hyunjin".

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles Dodgers Ryu Hyun-jin won a 300 million won bonus thanks to the post-season dividend.

The Major League Secretariat announced the team dividend of 10 teams that played in the playoffs this year. About 23.9 billion won were donated to Dodgers, World Series finalist, by our money.

Each team will distribute the dividend according to the performance of the players. Ryu Hyun-jin has earned a maximum of 300 million KRW, an average EER of one point in the league and recognition as a starter in the playoffs.

Ryu Hyun-jin, who plays the story of the beginning of the first world series in Korea and every game, is also a Korean monster.

Funny people, "Ryu Hyeonjin's bonus is more than my five-year salary." "The upper clbad will also win the race." And so on.

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