[우루과이 프랑스] The controversy of the Umbilm party … Dazzled


[매경닷컴 MK스포츠 이상철 기자] The man of the match (MOM) in Uruguay – France before the quarter-finals of the 2018 Russian World Cup is Antoine Grezman with 1 point and 1 badists. But "Hot People" was a colleague of Leitzman, Killian Mbaffe.

Mom Baffer is the most important player in this tournament. Three goals and one of the best nominations of young players. Above all, he scored two goals in the last 16 of the match against Argentina and made a strong penalty.

However, Umbpa was controversial in the Hollywood action, not scoring Uruguay and the quarter-finals of the Russia World Cup the morning of 7th (Korean time) the 7th.

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Uruguay and the French players have a nervous battle in the action of Hollywood in Umbafe (below). Photo (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) == © AFPBBNews = News1

Umbpa, who played for the match that day, did not play well. In the 15th minute, Olivier Boru missed a decisive opportunity.

The scene of the problem was 22 minutes late, when France led 2-0. Umbapa took advantage by provoking his opponent and collapsed after contacting Cristian Rodriguez. He waved his face with his right hand and his belly with his left hand, complaining of intense pain.

But it was the non-seller game of Umbuff. Rodriguez stretched his left arm, but it was light. Umbpa reacted excessively.

Uruguay players, including Diego Godin, had a nervous reaction to the Hollywood action at Umbafe. French players reacted to the difficult atmosphere.

The referee gave a warning to Rodriguez and Mumbaffe and finished the situation. But the criticism of Umbap continued after the end of the match.

Mother Baffer was slow and frowned at her jobless play, which led to her warning and her retirement.

He is noisy in this tournament because of the Hollywood action of the players. Mom Bafé's teammate, Neimar, was ridiculed after excessive anger on his ankle in the 16th round of Mexico. ▶ Presentation image pictorial window … Sexy extremities
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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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