[월드컵 결승] Population 4 million Croatia, losing but more football than France – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.16 17:20

Vladimirich and the Croatian President ⓒAFPBBNews = News1

Croatian captain Morricchi received a Golden Ball for the tournament's best player. But I could not laugh. That was unlike Yeonggun Son Baebe (19) from France who received a Young Player Award from the side. Kitaro Beach The first woman president of Croatia hosted the Croatian football champion, who won a spectacular battle against heavy rains on the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow.

& # 39; Little country & # 39; Croatia's dream of winning the first World Cup has been blocked by France. Croatia sank 2-0 to France in the final of the Russia World Cup on Tuesday.

Croatia is ahead of France with a share of possession (61> 39) of precision (83> 75) and a distance of movement (100 km> 99 km). There was more time to lead the champions of the championship. However, he was pushed out of the determination of the goal. Croatia, meanwhile, has not escaped bad luck by abandoning its own goals (Manchu banner) and a controversial PK goal.

Croatia was frustrated at the top of the World Cup but she felt impressed by the fans of world football. It was a three-of-a-kind victory over Argentina, which was one of the champions of the group stage. In the 16th round with Denmark, they played in the quarter-finals of the quarterfinals against Russia, and they faced each other in the semifinal against England. After three consecutive 120-minute games, the Croatian warriors, who met France at one point in their primary power, played unstoppable battles.

Croatia suffered a 1-0 defeat at the 1998 World Cup semi-finals in France. Croatia was third and France was first. Schalker, who had scored six goals in the match, became president of the Croatian Football Association. Croatia again met France in the final after 20 years. Croatia crushed France in the first 20 minutes of the match. The Frenchman, who came out as a "counterattack after the defense," waited for Croatia to make a mistake. Croatia was eliminated in the 18th minute by Manju Kichi's own goal. The equalizer of Perisshi (1-1) led to a penalty shot but Ghizal gave the advantage in the 38th minute. The referee (PITANA) acknowledged Perisshi's handball foul at the end of the VAR (video playback) and took a PK. Croatian players were physically exhausted from the second half of the day. In the second half, Foggba scored his third goal and after six minutes he was hit by a fourth goal from Mumbai. The Manchu Kidnies recovered a fortune in the 24th minute but they had already won and lost.

Croatia is a small country with a population of 4.6 million people independent of the wounds of the war. In 1991, he became independent from Yugoslavia and became a member of FIFA in 1993. He made his first appearance in the World Cup in France and finished second in his 20th year after taking third place.

The coach of Croatia, Ricci, said: "We should not have made mistakes against a strong team like France, it's a little sad, but we are proud of what we have accomplished. " "They were not playing soccer, they were waiting for the chance, they scored, they had only one strategy, they were doing all the tournament games," said Robren, "I played well. in football and I'm proud of my runner-up. "

Reporter Nohwan Hwang [email protected]

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