[이달의 우수게임] Flat Iron Throne Oven – Electronic Journal


& quot; Iron Throne & # 39; is a mbadively multiplayer real-time strategy (MMO) game enjoyed by players around the world

The Background is a realistic medieval fantasy world and beautifully adorned with brilliant HD graphics.

In addition to solo combat, there is also a combined combat mode, a royal battle mode, where you can not fight strategically without consuming units, and a team game.

We have combined familiar RPG elements such as various heroes, monsters and equipment systems. You can immerse yourself in visions of the world with RPG elements such as your own world, extraterrestrial hunting, etc.

Provides various content to enjoy the battle, such as Battle Royal, Team Deathmatch. On May 16, 2018, we launched Google Play and Apple App Store around the world. It is a global game that is served in 15 languages ​​(Korean, English, French, Turkish, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Thai).

<img src = "http://img.etnews.com/photonews/1807/1088894_20180706132012_466_0004.jpg" alt = "Iron Throne [KangJae-hoPDGofPoplatdeclare:"I'mhappytoberewardedforthibadcellentgame"adding:"Theywouldliketohavealittlelaugh""Kangsaid:"Theironthroneisnotstoppedherebutweareworkinghardtointroducevariousupdatesinthefuture"WewilldoourbesttomakeitmoreactiveonthesceneWorld"

Poplat was established in 2011. More than 70 employees gathered around Kang Jae-ho.

 Netmarble Strategy The Iron Throne Media MMO Showcase presents Kang Jaeho, the CEO of Poplat, to the game
<넷마블 전략 MMO 아이언쓰론 미디어쇼케이스에서 강재호 포플랫 대표가 게임에 대해 소개하고 있다.>
  From left to right, 19659013] Kang Jae-ho, President of Poplat
<강재호 포플랫 대표>

Kim Seo-soo , professional journalist at [email protected]

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