[이슈분석] Convenience store "transition to slow growth"


[팍스넷데일리 공도윤 기자] Store net additions in the convenience store industry decreased in the second quarter compared with the first quarter.

Lee Ji-young, a researcher at NH Investment & Securities, said, "Net additions in convenience stores have been declining at a faster pace in recent years."

The growth rate of the CU and GS25 stores in 2018 is expected to increase from 7% to 20% last year, as the number of purchases is still down, to 8% (compared with the previous year). 39, previous year). In addition, the number of net sales at five convenience stores in Korea decreased 42% year-over-year in June. The second half is an badysis that the situation could worsen.

The researcher said: "The slowing of store openings should be offset by a rebound in sales at existing stores, but store sales growth has not yet shown any significant recovery.

Convenience stores reduced their multi-store ratios, while store price increases slowed, and unit prices also reached their limits. "

Although we have made various efforts to improve profitability, we are in the midst of a transition phase because the pace of store opening is very fast and store sales and purchases are store did not recover.

The researcher stated, "Considering that the stock price has recently been undervalued relative to global convenience stores, and the overcrowding of convenience stores in Korea is the most serious, it seems necessary to Apply a discount. "
BGF Retail

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