[인터뷰] & # 39; With God – Jung Ji Hoon & # 39; Ji Ji Hoon's positive energy Yong Hwa Kim, approaching me as a good influence


& # 39; With the gods – Yin & Yeon & # 39; / Photos = Lotte Entertainment

& # 39; With the gods – Yin & Yang & # 39; The actor Ju Ji Hoon said that he had a good influence on Yong Hwa Kim

In the interview of the movie "With God – In and Yeon" (Director Kim Yong Hwa) in a coffee in Jongno-gu, Samcheong-dong, In the last 49th trial, In-Sang Cha meets Sang Joo Shin, who remembers the past from their past a thousand years ago.

Joo Ji-hoon, who plays the role of a guitarist of the sea in "God and Cause – In and Out," is revealed a thousand years ago with Deokchun (Kim Hyang Ki) and Kang Lim ( Ha Jung Woo).

In response, Ju Ji-hoon said, "I trusted Yong-Wha Kim, and I can not do it if I do not trust him." I think it's positive , but I think it 's positive that I want to have the catharsis of the gap between the characters, rather than worry about acting in the past. he was caught with the goal and the goal that the two scenes meet and that the synergy could fly. "

Ju Ji Hoon believed and trusted Kim's coach. I made a lot of commitment to the actors during the filming of the film, but I had a lot of will towards Kim. Joo Ji-hoon said, "Kim seems to be the best weapon to be the best weapon," he said, "I'm positive." But if you tell the story, "

Meanwhile," With God – In and Yeon ", with 14.4 million viewers last year, was the second most popular box office in the world with "God." – Sin and Punishment.It will be published on August 1.

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