[일문일답] Blue "martial law examination documents, need to confirm that the preparation to go"


What is the context for the president to bring all the documents?

The report of the president, Cheong Wa Dae, finds that there is more progress in the current (disclosed) documents.

It is necessary to capture the content of martial law documents in terms of implementation and progress.

Minister Song said he had a meeting with Cheong Wa Dae's staff on April 30th. The staff of Cheong Wa Dae, whom I discussed with Song, is someone.

At the April 30 meeting, President Lim Jong-seok, chief of staff of the presidential office, and the head of the national government, Min-jung, participated in the meeting. (At the time) did not distribute the original documents to the Blue House. And at the meeting of the day, the main meeting was related to civil service reform. So there was no question or discussion related to the martial law documents at the meeting. Although the Minister of Defense explained the document on the revision of martial law, the staff of Cheong Wa Dae who attended the meeting (at the meeting) did not accept the problem as much as the minister Defense thought so. So I can not just cut the tofu. There is a gray area "(at the 11 July information session).

If the document relating to martial law was mentioned at the meeting, it would have been possible to perceive that the only problem was important.

The Minister of Defense was not one of the authors of the document, C & # 39; s is explained. And did not distribute the document to the participants. The subject of today's discussion was on the general reform of the mission, so it seems that participants were not able to pay attention to the problem.

On April 30, Cheong Wa Dae's staff said they did not see the document, but when did the president see the document?

June 28, this document was reported to the Blue House

When the documents will be submitted, they will be examined by Chung Chung Chung.

Presidential orders were forwarded to the Department of National Defense through the Office of National Security.

According to the results of the document review, the possibility that the president directs the investigation.

This is not a serious problem related to national well-being.

For such a question, the president, the military commander, must first know the reality of the case,

When is the document submitted? How is the survey conducted?

Once the time has not been specified. The immediate submission is to do it as soon as possible, as each agency and subordinate will report the documents produced by them as soon as possible. How can you investigate the nature of documents reported in a single room or department?

It was explained that they were different from each other at the time of the April 30th report.

I submit to the judgment of the journalist on this subject.

Today's instructions contain a message to the current Secretary of Defense.

It's a completely different question. The content of the documents to be presented by the President is that of the former Department of National Defense, the civilian and military headquarters.

Is there a basis for judging that the document is likely to be ready for action?

Does the document contain details on the mobilization of troops and the mobilization of each unit? It is necessary to confirm whether the content has actually reached this preparatory stage or if it has reached the stage of execution. So that we can make a more definitive judgment on the nature of this document.

The President does not see this as a mere contrast

There is a shortage of judgment on this document, and the fact that (the President) made such an order indicates that it is necessary more reasons for making the document clearer. Dimensional.

The President has not made such a judgment.

The opposition says that it is a simple dimension compared to a dimension.

Some people claim that there is such a claim, and others claim that this is not the case. To what extent, in fact, you must know exactly what you are doing and what has led to your action.

This document is so vast that the scope of interpretation is so broad that, in fact, the unit was ready to be sent and how many instructions were given.

Is the question of a report in the current administration excluded from the documents of Cheong Wa Dae

It is a completely different matter. The President's instructions now refer to the documents produced, the reported reports and the downward orders related to martial law at the time of the candlelight demonstrations. Korea's defense secretary reports in March, and the minister's ruling on the issue is different from that of the president. This seems to be related to the administrative process one way or another.

If Cheong Wa Dae makes his own judgment, does he take action separately from the results of the special forces division?

He ordered that this document be submitted separately from the special investigation. I think the information that the President is trying to understand and the Special Forces investigation will be done independently.

There is no change in the desire to guarantee the autonomy and independence of the rhetoric for this commander. [19659000]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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