[전국] Classy "high school test problems fled" … Apology Superintendent



The problem of a test in a high school in Gwangju was known to the world in response to a demand for truth from clbadmates who were wary of the suspected questionnaire that had been badembled as a forceps. tweezers.


High School 3 A student is the so-called "mother" who was pbaded on by his mother,

At the time, the final exam of this school was held from 6 to 10

When I came to the examination and the problem solving problem, clbadmates in the army require that the genealogy be shown on the 11th day after the test is finished. 03] Finally, clbadmates confirmed that the genealogy problem of group A corresponded to the problem of the final exams

and photographed it on a mobile phone, got evidence, and then suspected a leak of test questions at school.

During this process, 18 students participated in the preparation of a document seeking clarification.

[광주시 교육청 관계자 : (그 서류에는) 아이가 이야기했던 내용이 시험에 나와서 의심이 들어서 친구들끼리 의지를 모아서 증거도 확인은 했고….]

In response to student demand, the school reported this to the Gwangju Metropolitan Education Authority.

As part of this case, the Chief Superintendent of Gwangju City, Gangwha Province, apologized and stated that there was no problem as a result of the public control in the Gwangju region.

The incident, however, is the result of the

[장휘국 / 광주시 교육감 : 다른 일반고에서는 특이사항이 발견되지 않았으며 학업성적 관리 규정과 지침, 매뉴얼 절차를 준수하고 있는 것으로 확인됐습니다.]

The test case that has just been buried has been revealed to the world because of factual desires students.

YTN Lee Sung-woo [[email protected]]].

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