[전국] "Drone, with Humans & # 39; … fusion art artistic show has appeared!


Do you remember the drone show that caught the world's attention at the opening and closing ceremonies of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics?

Drones open new avenues by combining everyday life, culture and art.

The butterfly drone celebrates the birth of a new life

The human dance that symbolizes the flower of a new flowering,

The concerns raised by the artistic performance of the arts of fusion, which integrates the technology of clusters inside drones, are very vivid.

Jeonju City develops special local content,

[송대규 / 드론 아트쇼 제작총괄 : 드론을 문화예술 산업에서도 쓰일 수 있는 특히 캐릭터가 될 수 있고 또 공연자들과 함께 협연해서 좋은 작품을 만들 수 있는 하나의 좋은 예술 재료가 될 수 있는지를 저희가 시험하고, 도전하고 있는 중입니다.]

The draconian exhibition on the arts of fusion shows "Flower Heart, Nurse", born after a year of preparation.

Holograms, autonomous driving of drones, etc. in the traditional arts, etc. The theme is "flower heart" which is the spirit of Jeonju, that is to say

Through performances of different kinds, we will create a fantastic scene by combining advanced technology and the traditional culture of Jeonju.

[노송이 / 전주시 효자동 : 평창올림픽에서만 이렇게 드론으로 된 것을 봤는데 여기서 드론을 같이 보게 돼서 기쁘고요. 즐겁고, 그랬습니다.]

Jeonju city is a new concept of the city of Jeonju.

[김승수 / 전주시장 : 강력한 전통과 또 4차 산업혁명의 최첨단이 만나는 그 지점을 전주가 융합시켜서 새로운 장르를 창출했다는 큰 의미가 있겠습니다.]

The first multicultural show using drones in Korea will enhance the brand value of local governments,

This is YTN Lee Jung-woo [[email protected]].

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