[전국]Leakage of hydrogen sulphide in a sewage treatment plant … Four people lost consciousness



Hydrogen sulfide escaped from the sewage treatment plant, resulting in loss of consciousness and collapse of workers.

Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic substance that can kill you.

Reporter Kim Jong-ho reports.


The location where the hydrogen sulphide is generated is the water tank on the second floor of the wastewater treatment plant.

I dumped sewage from another place in the aquarium and four of my workers fell suddenly.

I moved to the hospital fairly quickly and all were oblivious.

[공장 관계자 : 폐수를 처리하는 과정에 황화수소가 누출돼서 냄새를 맡아보니 달걀 썩는 냄새가 나서….]

As the hydrogen sulfide leaked in the early days of the accident, the patient went back and forth inside and outside the factory.

[이기희 / 부산 북부소방서 지휘조사팀장 : 뒤 (공장)에 노동자가 메스꺼움을 느껴서 자체적으로 택시를 잡아 부산보훈병원으로 옮겼습니다. 소방당국은 주변에 황화수소 누출 사실을 알리고 접근을 막았습니다.] [소방 안내 방송 : 유독가스가 누출됐으니 주민 여러분께서는 반경 200m 밖으로 대피해주시기 바랍니다.]

After the rescue work, we measured the hydrogen sulfide concentration in the field and found 150 ppm.

I have exceeded the maximum of 10 times set by law.

Fortunately, gas is not widely available and hydrogen sulphide has not been measured around the building.

In the inner tank, the reaction continued for several hours and continued to produce hydrogen sulfide.

It took me longer to prepare the countermeasures.

The wastewater in the tank being acidic, the authorities first decided to drop the concentration and transfer it to another plant.

[이기붕 / 부산 사상구청 보건환경과장 : 표본을 떠서 저희가 간이시험한 결과 pH(산 알칼리 농도)가 3에서 4 사이의 강 산성 폐수로 확인됐습니다.]

Police believe that hydrogen sulphide is formed when the wastewater is initially mixed in the reservoir with new sewage.

YTN Kim Jong Ho[[email protected]].

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