[전국]Stay app 'How are you here & # 39; Sim Myung-seop,


The Chungnam Provincial Police Cybercrime Investigation Service has charged the prosecution with the accusation that the second person in the housing sharing application, "How are you here", accused him of badgraphy circulation,

Shim has been accused of generating 5.2 billion won of proceeds by distributing 4.27 million badgraphic materials while operating two websites for 10 months since last year.

The police found about 170 cases of minors and 40 cases of illegal shooting of badgraphy.

The police are monitoring the funds with three people, including the team leader responsible for web operations, who have managed to establish "How are you" with the benefits they have obtained from WebHard.

In a police investigation, Shim denied the charges, claiming that he was not a participant in the dissemination of badgraphy, but an owner with a hard web stake.

Sanggon [[email protected]]

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