[전문] President Wen Jiabao "regrettable press activities against the regulatory power"


President Moon Jae-in. (Blue House, Facebook) 2018.10.16 / News 1

The "Declaration on the Practice of Freedom of the Press" took place in the midst of difficulties and trials, opening a new path to democracy. This is a special trace engraved in modern Korean history.

It's really remarkable that I reminded you of the spirit with reporters today.

1974 was serious. Nobody was free. The resistance and sacrifices of the people to restore democracy continued, but the eyes and ears of the people were hidden. The press was completely blocked and the press could not fulfill its mission.

At that time, it is the declaration of the practice of freedom of speech that illuminates the darkness. The Declaration of Practice of the Free Press, which began on 24 October of the same year in the Dong-A Ilbo, has attracted the media since tonight.

Journalists have said and practiced that "no freedom falls from the sky, no more than the free press".

It was a courageous challenge for a dignified tyranny, Courage and determination triggered the democratic aspiration of the people. There was blank advertising and advertising unprecedented in the history of the world. With the movement for freedom of the press, the people could keep the breath of democracy.

Our democracy has been achieved through the restoration of the public space. This is accomplished with the practice of reporters. I would like to express my respect and gratitude to all journalists who have borrowed this position and struggled with the spirit of declaring the practice of freedom of expression.

What I want to remember most of all today is the life of hired journalists. The dismissed journalists were deprived of their pen and microphone, but they have always resisted the injustice without losing the spirit of the journalists. Because they were there, the Korean media was able to get up and keep their pride.

But the life of a committed journalist was difficult. Every day has collapsed and the sacrifice of practicing freedom of expression has not been properly valued. The country and society have not been able to repay these people for the young man to be gray.

Today, I express my deepest sympathy for the journalists and their families who have been hired and who have been suffering for many years on behalf of the people. I bow to the pain of those who are small and their families. In addition, I regret the injustice of state power that has suppressed the legitimate activities of the media.

As President of the Republic of Korea and a member of the Candlelight Citizen, I support and support all actions to protect the free press. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our free expression activities are proud of our history.

The spirit of the Declaration on the Practice of Media Freedom will re-emerge whenever power is corrupted, democracy is shaken, or people's lives are oppressed. Declaration of Freedom of the Press I would like to pay tribute to the lives of journalists and celebrate the 44th anniversary of the journalist's mission.

Thank you

October 24, 2018
President of the Republic of Korea

cho11757 @

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