[정오의 프리뷰] Lim Chan-gyu "Ten Victories", LG's first victory of the Doosan Heavy & # 39; Sports | News


[엑스포츠뉴스 채정연 기자]

Shinhan Bank Maya KBO League ◆ Tuesday August 1

Jamsil ▶ LG Twins (Lim Chung Kyu) – (Youheon) Doosan Bears

The twins who met the bear in the spotlight of the lion. I have never been able to use my power with 0-0 and 8 against my opponent this season. LG is aiming for the first Doosan victory with Lim Chu-kyu's "10 wins". It has been a loss of two innings five times against Doosan this season. Doosan Yuhekwan desperately needs a resurrection. I have to clear the pain of the last four rounds of the first round of SK.

Daejon ▶ KT Wiz (Ko Young-pyo) – (Yoo Kyu-jin) Hanhwa Eagles

Hanwha, who is in second place in KT with the recent rise, meets LG. Both teams were tense with 4 wins and 4 losses this season. KT and Yongpyo are down 1-0 with a 5.14 ERA in July. In the second match against Hanhwa, he was a bit weak with 12 innings and nine points (eight earned). Yoon Kyu-jin, who had been constantly exciting, slipped to Kia's field Saturday with a sixth-place four-point run, scoring seven points in six sets. (19659006) The Lotte Giants (Kim Won-jung) – (Lim Won-jung) The KIA Tigers

Lotte makes the inevitable confrontation with KIA in 7th place. KIA is currently in desperate need of a win or a loss due to four consecutive losses. Kim Won-jung of Lotte and Lee Lim-young of KIA, who won the battle of Young Gun. Kim Won-jung was the first starter for KIA this season, and Lim Kee-Young scored three winless heats against Lotte on June 9th.

Daegu ▶ NC Dynos (Kim Geun-tae) – (Adelman) Samsung Lions

The strongest player of the summer, Samsung aims to win the NC four straight games against NC. Adelman's "Ace Mode" should be followed by QS in the last three consecutive games and seven innings of the previous two games. He is the first starter for NC this season. NC, who was a humanitarian worker, hired Kim Gon-tae as a starter. He has won 14 games this season and is 1-1 with an average of 4.11.

Literature ▶ Nexen Hero (Choi Won-tae) – (Sanchez) SK Wyverns

Nexen falls to sixth place to finish fifth. & # 39; Domestic Ace & # 39; Choi Won-tae scored his 12th win in the last seven innings with seven points in seven innings. There is also a good memory of being a six-game winning pitcher with six innings against SK. Meanwhile, SK must win for the second place shooter. Beginner Sanchez was a little disappointed with his runner-up three-point in four innings on the 25th. He has maintained an average of 4.91 in two games against Nexen this season.

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