[정치부회의] Lee Hee-ho, the president of … Eternal Comrade & # 39; DJ


"We will pray for the peaceful reunification of our people and the heavenly people." Lee Hee-ho, wife of former President Kim Dae-jung and Korea's great democrat, has expressed a desire to pray for the people until the last moment of his breathing. Today, the memorial service of Mr. Political circles and people from all walks of life, as well as ordinary citizens, have seen the last road of the deceased.

[이낙연/국무총리 : 여사님, 지금 가시는 그곳에는 고문도 없고 투옥도 없을 것입니다. 연금도 없고 망명도 없을 것입니다. 납치도 없고 사형선고도 없을 것입니다. 그곳에서 대통령님과 함께 평안을 누리시기를 기원합니다. 여사님, 우리 곁에 계셔주셔서 감사합니다. 여사님이 계셨던 것은 축복이었습니다.]

Prior to the commemorative ceremony, the funeral was held at Shinchon Changcheon Church, according to the deceased's will. The chapel is filled with people mourning at dawn. When the song of praise called Joa, mourning eyes of mourning.

[장상/고 이희호 여사 장례위원회 공동위원장 : 지성과 사랑, 역사의식과 비전을 지닌 이 시대의 여성운동가, 사회운동가이시며 인권운동, 민주주의를 위한 역군으로서 시대정신을 온몸으로 살아내신 분이십니다.]

After the worship, the spiritual procession was organized by the same sister who lived in this dynasty for more than 50 years. Hong-up's son and eldest son Jong Dae held a photo of Yong Jeong, searched all the sisters and gave one last salute to the nameplate written by Kim Dae-jung and Lee Hee-ho. When the tug escaped from the alley, those who were guarding the sister were greeted at the same time.

The government held a commemorative ceremony at Seoul National Cemetery in a solemn atmosphere called "Forever with Democracy". Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, Moon Hee-sang, Speaker of the National Assembly, There was no place to honor the achievements of the deceased who dedicated themselves to democracy and prayed for their soul.

[이해찬/더불어민주당 대표 : 저는 동교동에서 아침마다 당직자들이 모여서 따뜻한 밥과 맛있는 반찬을 먹을 때, 와서 챙겨주시던 모습이 다시금 새롭게 기억이 납니다. 영면하시길 바랍니다.] [황교안/자유한국당 대표 : 이희호 여사님의 삶은 그 자체로 대한민국 민주주의의 역사입니다. 여사님의 발자취를 따라 대한민국 여성 인권의 길이 열려왔습니다.] [손학규/바른미래당 대표 : 남산 중앙정보부로 끌려간 여사님께서 ‘젊은이들이 이곳을 거쳐 가는데 나도 동참할 수 있게 되어 대단히 영광으로 생각한다’고 일갈하셨습니다. 김대중 대통령의 인동초 민주정신입니다.]

Kim Jong Eun, Kim Jong Il's father, also expressed his sympathy by sending younger sister Kim Il-jung. At the ceremony, Kim Duk-ryong's vice-chairman of the Advisory Council for Peace and Democratic Reunification read the message sent by Kim. "His dedication and hard work has become a valuable part of inter-Korean relations that lead to the path of unification and prosperity" and "The whole nation will never forget". It was filed by Kim, who was a political comrade beyond his wife, which opened up Kim's old grave.

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