[정치] Hope of "well-being"



The approval rate of the Progressive Party, which has only six seats, continues to increase unprecedented

However, recently, a special investigation has slowed down, but a member of the party,



There are only six seats in the seats, but nowadays, the party in power is really good

6 to 13 last elections Provincial

As a result of polls, the party's approval rating has steadily increased, and the Korean government ran after the party, and it even reached double digits. 19659003] It shows that the goal of local elections to be the first opposition is not a fool.

In particular, the government has put in place policies on the issue of gangs and social disadvantage, purporting to abolish waste and differentiate it from the Democratic Party.

[이정미 / 정의당 대표 : 더불어민주당은 ‘기업 먼저 살려야 경제도 살아난다’는 지난 70년 낡은 패러다임으로 또다시 대다수 일하는 사람들의 권리를 유보시키고 있습니다.]

This just right party is in a state of sudden

It is also related to a member of the National Assembly who was considered a party symbol with Shim Sang-jung .

[노회찬 / 정의당 원내대표 : (입장 좀 밝혀주세요?) (드루킹 의혹에 대한) 기존 입장에 변함이 없습니다.]

The Department of Justice baderts that current suspicions are different from the facts and that special investigators make their voices heard so that the results of the investigation are made public quickly.

But I believe innocent innocence is innocent on our homepage and SNS

There is a good reason for the well-being of the ruling party.

This is not the same as the increase in approval rating,

It is YTN Lee Dae-joon

It is a important opportunity to measure the party's ability to cope. [ad_2]
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