[정치] Standardization of the 13th Parliament … "End of the negotiating round"



The National Assembly, which lasted more than 40 days, is expected to normalize from the 13th.

Jaejae decided to conclude collective bargaining during the second half of the year. 39; year.

Reporter connects.



The plenary session did not take place once last month, but Congress was stopped for more than 40 days, but today four negotiating groups

Hearing of the candidates of the police chief Min Kyung-ryong, who had been delayed because of the discomfort of the National Assembly, and of three candidates for the judge Kim Sun-won of the Supreme Court, [19659004]

[홍영표 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 경찰청장 청문회는 7월 19일 실시하기로 했습니다. 대법관 인사청문회는 7월 23일, 24일, 25일 실시합니다. 그리고 7월 26일 본회의를 열기로 했습니다.]


The fact that we agreed on the calendar of the National Assembly in July means that the negotiations for the second half of the year are on the verge of


In this regard, a statement came out after the morning meeting of the House of Representatives.

[홍영표 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 오늘 중에 원 구성에 대한 합의를 최종적으로 마무리할 계획입니다.]

Four negotiating groups have agreed to conclude a round of negotiations today

The Chairman of the Management Committee is the Democratic Party,

However, it is stated that it is quite possible that an additional agreement could be reached to jointly organize a special committee or a task force to coordinate the powers of the judiciary, which was actually the seat of the Senate.

19659003] In this regard, the draft Democratic Party agreement, which includes measures to reduce the authority of the bill of the Ministry of Justice and divide the organization of education, culture, sports,] However, the tension between the Democratic Party and the Korean Party continues for the expression "adjustment" in the final agreement.

For example, consider the words of a representative acting

[김성태 / 자유한국당 대표 권한대행 : 지금은 국회 원 구성 협상이지 국회법 개정 협상이 아닌데, 특정 정당이 일방적인 입장을 가지고 특정 상임위에 대해서 일방적인 견해를 나타내는 것은 적절치 않습니다.]

In addition, the legislator meeting of peace and persistent justice has come over have asked for a place in the permanent president, the plan puts an extra special committee daehaeseon this was discussed.

[김관영 / 바른미래당 원내대표 : 최종적으로 합의는 해야 하는데 일단 정개특위 얘기를 좀 했어요. (정개특위를 평화당에 맡기나?) 네네. 제가 제안했습니다.]

Even though the negotiations for the first round of negotiations had been difficult until last night, it was observed that the negotiations were about to end while the atmosphere urgent is detected in the National Assembly this morning

After the morning meeting, I had an operational meeting for each negotiating group, and I had a brief meeting during one moment.

It is YTN Lee Jong Won [[email protected]] in the National Assembly up here.

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