[정치]5 Korea reports first cases of "super …


■ Progress: Byeongjin Jeong, Hyun Ju Cho
■ Appearance: Lee Jong Keun / Spokesperson, Yang Ji Yeol / Attorney


The conflict between the free Korean party and human reform is intensifying. It is said that the former mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-hoon, would have decided to enter the Korean government tomorrow, and that preparations for the convention scheduled for next February are underway.

This is an in-depth badysis with Lee Jong Keun, a current affairs critic and Yang Ji-keol's lawyer. welcome




The leaders of the ruling party in Korea began to undo. Let's look at the subject. President Kim and senior members. I still collided today. This is not just goodwill, but it also seems to be in the forest.


Yes Today, meeting of the subordinate and the middle clbad. It was such a meeting that members of non-members spoke with middle-clbad members, but middle-clbad members did not speak much.

However, if you want to speak today, if you want to speak today, in fact, you are the party chairman or the president of the media. Anyone named in this kind of Hamapyeong actually refers to the renewal of the personality related to the particular position of the opponent.

What does it mean? In reality, do they send messages to people who are subject to personal renewal by talking to them now? I block this or I pay a lot of attention to it. So all this is true, but it's a vote.

For example, do not you elect a member of the House of Representatives? Thus, the fact that legislators can also include active members of parliament now speaks of the fact that he is talking about it again, and even if you are a member of Chung Woo Taek, the name of the decision does not go up he not?

I do not mean that you are going to be present right now as the master of the loving system. So I'm talking about saying that the word is now very new. So, what you have mentioned today is almost symbolic. I saw some kind of symbol that I was going to free myself in the future.


This is the context in which I am now looking for a good example and I now wish to be a good friend, a fool and a defector. But if I'm a member of Chung Woo-Taek,


So you told me that we had to move towards integration and harmony, that human reform would not lead to division and conflict, but that word seems to be really good. After all, human rejuvenation means that someone is wrong in some way. You do not have to do people because you have to be responsible for bad parts.

However, as a typical example, I would not ask for any wrongdoing regarding kidnapping or kidnapping by the special committee on abdication or janggang, but in principle it is possible to predict that the first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of moving to the side of the past that has dominated power within the party.

At present, the representative of the board of directors also has the party representative in the party, which can be considered a Bibak. So, now, when we talk about changing party president, it is inevitable to always run a health check in the affirmative.

But if you stick to that kind of approach, then why do we have to come out of the party? We must accept that something is wrong with us and that in the case of the subconscious we do not like it.

If you have a liquidation project that only targets one particular section, you must take your hand aside and you will not be able to make a transfiguration. I'm talking about being in balance, but it's easy to say: anyway, even if I'm organizing someone, I have to complain anyway.

In the current state, the story is published for a while, but in the end, I will keep everything I have on my tour. I'll take it. If you believe me, people who say you can take care of yourself do it.


Like the word, the congress should take place in late February and early March If you become a close, your appointment will be advantageous.


Yes Anyway, it is true that Kim Byeong-joon, president of the BiHDC, My voice was not so big. Did not you think that Kim Byung-joon's president was able to speak to you with pride, then that the free Korean party, which had been completely destroyed, had reduced its voice?

But now that the mandate is almost over, Kim Byung-joon, president of biotechnology, is also talking about himself. So, in fact, if a person is replaced by a personal change or a change of president, does that not lead directly to the convention?

So, in fact, I did not have a lot of time until the end of January. Now, I'm telling the truth to the people who have spoken today, including Chung Woo Taek, I have not spoken to the Janggang committee members yet, and I will not tell you exactly what the standards are. .


I announced the goal.


Yes By the way, I made an announcement on December 15th. To announce the people to replace and to announce the people to sign on January 15th. I have a period of about a month. It can be said that this will be checked once, but it is very strong that I take the power of the President of BiH.

It's because there are more people in the middle, but the fact that there are more people in the middle is that there are more people in the middle, that's it.

So I have to say that I have a few friends and a few friends who are friends with me since I could not do it. I'm going to shake your heart, I'll only take it for myself.


The target is now low and the bar is special, I think I can see that kind of atmosphere, I do not know if it works now. The former lawyer who was a member of the special committee of the former Chosang River has taken this route.


Why is no one in Korean parliamentarians surprised? This is because justice is not the authority. If the most modest members are actually the elders and the authorities in our pay, and the adults who have worked so hard to conservatism up to now, the adults are the former chief commissioners of the subordinates. When elected, they are the highest members of the committee.

If such people are supposed to sit as members of the Supreme Council, if they are constituted as such, parliamentarians will be shaken. But now, members do not know all the members of non-members.


Do you think this is the opinion of the attorney from the power book or is it a stony position like the ex-janggang committee member?


As a member of the JoJoGang Special Committee, I withdrew from JoJangCity because I did not have a chance to do it, and when I put it in JoJiangCrime instead of Daewongang, I told them How many active members of the Senate and Liberal Democrats wondered when it would have been possible?

This question is strange. Regardless of whether you are critical, I sat on the Janggang Special Committee until the last minute and when I think of the conflict with the hypertrophic president, does that mean that it applies to the janggang? So, if there was no authority in Abkhazia, would the authority of Chosang have authority? What could you have done if you stayed?

The reason the Free Korean Party was not strong was because it was a little earlier and there was no fighting inside, and there was no only a fight with the government outside, so that the interior was quiet. As soon as the story announces that there is a fight and that a representative is chosen, the fighting resumes. Then it was said that there was no power to fall and that there was no abdomen, would it be the same story?


In fact, it is true that the leadership of the committee before the government has suffered damages. Will the replacement disk work properly?


It's a hard blow. Because the blow is a failure of greetings. I should have said hello to the right person, but by choosing a lawyer, I think the problem I have with him is the lawyer. If you want to save this holiday, is not the honor of the holiday more important than your own honor?

Then, even if you are named and hungry, even if you are nominated and re-invited, continue to talk about the party for which you have been invited to keep your honor to defend your honor.

So what do you mean from the spirit of the public room of the lawyer, Mind. So, in terms of why you gave such a position to someone who does not want to save the party, Kim Byung-joon, the vice-president, is in fact excused, but I think that it was a mistake.

Again, the authority is not an authority because it is one of the elders of a person, but that authority is what happens when the person is in charge. adversary does what she does, what value it gives and how it is supported by the people. I do not care how it happened.

This is why the vine, which can not be seen permanently in any position of the book's lawyer, seems to be a proposal. Some say that it will not happen because you have not done it, but others say that the authority is now down, but the conclusion is important.

How do you make a personal renewal. So whatever the criticism that we receive, whatever the situation, we will finally proceed to a personal and public renewal, and if I say that I resign, all my subordinates will resign, I will be able to give him some authority until the end.


This is a frustrating situation that can be resolved until the general election of the next presidential election or the next general election of the next presidential election scheduled for February. Meanwhile, one of the candidates for the next presidential election, the former mayor of Seoul, is expected to join the Korean National Party tomorrow. Listening

[오세훈 / 前 서울시장 : 아직 시기까지 정한 건 아니고요. 입당은 조만간 하긴 해야 할 것 같고요. 다만 전당대회 출마에 대해서는 아직은 전당대회 규정이나 또 지도체제나 이런 것이 결정된 바가 없기 때문에 그런 점을 보고, 충분히 고민해야 할 사항들이 있기 때문에 그래서 아직 결심을 완전히 못하고 있습니다.]


Oh Se-hoon, the former mayor of Seoul has moved. This move will appear seriously, but it will be a sign that players will be able to move forward in full swing.


I can not stop it. If you leave the convention for the month of February, you should go to work to get your ticket, but now, as the former mayor of Oh Se-hoon said, the party could not keep it. . Even it was a strange moment. You have to move but you do not see in which direction you want to go.


He said that he would come as chairman of the Vision Committee for the future.


Now the very name is the chairman of the Vision Committee for the future. And as we return to politics, we are talking about something like the fourth industry, that the economy must be saved now and the future value of the future will be renewed. Will there be people to follow?

So what is the value of the future with the fact that anxiety is also revealed in the title. That 's the kind of conflict between the lines I' ve talked about all the time, and I'm not going to finally find a way to go from the front.

It therefore seems that the conflict between sterstices continues to be revealed in the past. If someone says that someone can build this value, I think it will be the most influential because there is nothing to be sure of that value. It can be relatively easy. to showcase the value of a significant election in advance, such as the presidential election.

It can be easy to build and convince the people's program, whether it succeeds or fails. But now that I hold the ankle of the past too much to catch such a thing, I have a point of questioning about the extent to which the specialization of the vision of the future will be able to show the truth. 39; future.


However, when Oh Se-hoon, former mayor, arrives, the move on Bibak's side is noticed.


In the case of the former mayor, Oh Se-hoon, I have never been responsible for the leadership or senior management of the party. So what would you like to say? Oh, the Mayor of Se-hoon was not the style of his party's activities.

In other words, when a member of the local council decides to leave the mayor by himself, he does not go to the party when he discusses it, which is very painful. C & # 39; is.

So when I come back and say I'm going to challenge you, I'm not aware of these parts. No, this guy has always made the decision alone, and he has really done all his burden for the party. I have a little sense of distance.

So, to challenge the party, what I'm going to do is convince the party members of some of their decisions. I can go to the party if I see these parts more clearly. Now, suddenly, I will come to the party. What you are doing is really what you are going to do.

If you do not think you are going to do anything at the convention this time around, you do not have to be a party. As I have already mentioned, it is obvious that you will do something within the party if you are a party leader. The persuasion of the members seems very important.


It will then become the central point of non-bamboo: will it rather play the role of bamboo and bamboo?


Rather than position yourself. I can cooperate with Mayor Oh Se-hoon when I see this as a surrogate wave. So I can cooperate with some waves, but as you just told me, we present it symbolically at the head of a group.

In particular, what kind of crossroads do you think Bibick will once again lead the Oh Se-hoon market? The problem is that I can not do it. So, those who hold this party should answer the question of how to do PK.

So, nowadays, there is the fact that the free Korean government has continued in some of the last elections.
So, if you are restoring Busan Gyeongnam, will you be tackling the metropolitan area based on TK?

To have such a strategy, the most important point for knowing how to make the PK region is that the Oh Se-hoon market is a symbol of the metropolitan area. If Oh Se-hoon is excluded from the market, it is necessary to save someone in PK, It is a little unknown that the market is in full effervescence.


Legitimate runners who stretch. I would like to talk about these two people as a representative.

[김성태 / 자유한국당 원내대표 : 제가 1년 동안 제1야당의 원내대표로서 문재인 정권을 상대하면서 제대로 잘 싸웠는지, 싸우면서도 우리 국민들에게 우리 당의 신뢰와 대중적인 지지를 회복하는데 제가 역할이 되었는지, 다양한 평가가 있을 겁니다. 그런 평가를 존중해야지 제 자신이 자유한국당의 당권을 잡고 공천권을 행사하겠다는 자기중심적 사욕에 빠져 있지 않습니다. 전 절대 그렇지 않습니다.]


Chung Woo Taek and Kim Sung Tae, the head of the house. I pray There is no egotism. I spoke to you like that, but I did not say it.


I do not. How do politicians say that? But when Kim Seong – tae spoke, I talk about it. What kind of ankle can go to the party table if I can put the popular support or free Korean party heritage on my heritage? Is not that enough for me?

I do not mean that I'm not greedy for party, but I can really say that if I judge myself, I have elevated the party status that is very difficult to see for the future of the Korean national party, may be able to withstand any popular support, but it may be far from what the free-of-

This seems to be a dilemma of freedom. If you go into the big roots that you already have, you can not be error-free in the past, but the number of reps there or the forces are still very strong.

Kim Seong-tae, who has emerged from outside, has recently been well placed in free Korean politics after leaving Hwacheon, but he is representative. Will both parties eventually integrate? It's a situation that can not be inevitable, so I get out of the stomach, but the stomach is fighting until the moment of appearance.


The key is whether Kim Moo-sung will move or not, but Kim Moo-sung will say that he will soon make a decision through the right curator during a conversation with YTN. What does it mean?


If all the people in this picture, including Kim, Moo – Sung, etc. have ideas, will they come to this party this time? Or will you rest this time and come to the Grand Prix? I'm counting on that now.

But that is the order. When he leaves, he will lead the 2020 general election to victory. Then I will be able to participate in the presidential election of 2022. I won because I am qualified. So, if you take the side and lose the general election. Then there is no choice but to resign.

And then presidents of the presidency come out next. So now, what is the calculation? Is it possible that we win the general election? If someone says that there is no possibility of winning the general election, I will try to join another party saying, "Oh, I will only serve for the party, I will will devote to the white race. "

No, this time, if I say that I can really win in the general election, if I confront it once, I will participate in the presidential election. In these calculations and calculations, we are now wondering where the decisions will go. I am afraid to have problems.


The general election will be a very important variable. This is now the movement in free Korean politics: at the same time, former representative Yoo Seungmin, who did not show much, began his official activities at the university conference. Let's take a look.

[유승민 / 바른미래당 의원 : 제가 정치인인데 정치 활동을 접은 적이 없고요. 정치적인 문제에 대해서 제가 적극적으로 얘기하는 거는 제가 고민을 충분히 하고 있고, 고민이 끝나면 말씀을 드릴 거고요. 주로 경제 이야기를 하려고 합니다. 시장 경제가 얼마나 중요하고 경제성장이 얼마나 중요하고, 그것을 위해서 정치권이나 정부가 뭘 해야 되는지, 문재인 정부는 무엇을 잘못하고 있는지 이런 얘기를 하려고 합니다. 기지개 켠 거 아니고요. 정치를 적극적으로 새로 시작하는 건 아직 아니고요. 고민은 열심히 하고 있고, 어떻게 하면 보수를 재건할 수 있느냐, 그 고민을 계속하고 있고요. 국민께 말씀드릴 기회가 언젠가 있을 거라고 생각합니다.]


There was Yoo Seung-Min. I do not think I have been able to do political activities since I can not see them on the screen these days. This is significant.


I told you that I would not stretch, but I mean, did not the reporters go there and ask them questions? It's a university conference, but after 5 months, I came out seriously and did not go alone. I am accompanied by many people clbadified as members of Ji Sung-wook and his followers.

I am also valued as an economist. Now the part that can be called the duty of the current government is the part that solves the difficulties of the economy, and I pointed out the sick part in the reading space of the university.

So, is not it a story that I can become an alternative force? Then politicians can be an alternative force. Of course, it must be said that the external activities related to a party, whether it is a connection with a free Korean party at the moment, the renewal of its position in the good future, or simply not to do outdoor activities,


However, the former president Yu Seung-min has repeatedly proposed in the party of the Korean party.


No, I made a very important statement today. This is a very important statement. It is divided in two. One thing is to send someone in the middle, so I sent a very nice person and a person in the middle to make an offer. I do not think I sent someone like that. It's expressed like that.

And the second thing is that I have not answered at all to date. It's expressed like that. When I think of these two things in my head, I hear that it is not courtesy to do it. If you talk backwards, you can come and talk to yourself, it can be courtesy, you can talk, there are many more in the history of possibilities.

If it's not polite and he says he can not accept any Korean government proposal, I can say I'm not there, I can not, and then I can badure you said to no longer send such a person in the future. I left a lot of room.

So, I do not answer at all, I say that I do not do it until now. It's very different from the future right party.

It's a past. The good of the future is born as a conservative moderate and healthy party. The beginning is that you did it. Including the story that it is not now. Then, the appropriate future party is so determined that the Korean proposal has not yet been processed. I am logged in this way.

That's why I'm a very big person and if I'm a representative and someone who has an issue in this party does not say the answer,


Agree Regarding this part, it is very important to see how the residents of the Free Korean Party will accept it.

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