[정치]"Korea, Czech Republic, Nuclear Construction Construction …" in Argentina, G20



Moon Jae-in, who has traveled to the Czech Republic, will meet Prime Minister Bhavsh and, as soon as possible, discuss the Czech Republic's nuclear energy project next year.

Mr Moon, who has completed his program in the Czech Republic, is leaving for Argentina, where the G20 summit is being held.

This is a reporter of Kim Do-won from Prague.


Czech Prime Minister Bobby Schiek has come to Prague where Mr Moon is staying.

The two countries have been working together for a long time to democratize.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 전 세계가 체코 국민들을 응원하고, 그리고 그 좌절에 안타까워했던 기억이 지금도 남아 있습니다.] [안드레이 바비쉬 / 체코 총리 : 한반도 긴장 완화, 그리고 한반도 문제를 해결하기 위해 적극적으로 노력하신 것을 높이 평가합니다.]

The two leaders agreed to discuss closely with the project to build nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic next year.

Moon said the construction of the UAE's nuclear power plant in Barraca was fully completed, with no additional cost, and Prime Minister Bhavshi said he appreciated Korean nuclear technology.

[윤영찬 / 청와대 국민소통수석 : 우수한 기술력과 운영·관리 경험을 보유한 우리 기업이 참여할 수 있도록 관심을 가져줄 것을 당부하였습니다.]

A senior official in the presidential office said the talks had allowed for a considerable understanding of nuclear trade between the two.

Mr Moon also called for strengthening defense cooperation, including by excluding EU safeguard measures against Korean steel and exporting K-9 self-defense.

He also explained the Korean government's efforts to bring about permanent peace on the Korean peninsula, and Prime Minister Bhabi said he would support efforts to peacefully resolve the North Korean nuclear issue.

President Lee continued to encourage local businessmen.

Moon, who is scheduled to visit the Czech Republic, will attend the G20 summit in Argentina.

At the summit, we will discuss positions on global economic issues such as inclusive growth and the restoration of the multilateral trading system.

During the conference, the Netherlands, South Africa and other countries related to the United Nations Security Council that have separate summit discussions with us, play a role in the discussion of sanctions against North Korea.

Mr Moon plans to take advantage of this summit, which brings together the 20 largest nations, to support each country's support for the implementation of the Korean Peninsula peace process.

In Prague, YTN is Kim Do Won.

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