[정치]Lee Eun-jae has reached three Japanese expressions … This time, "Spoof"?


■ Broadcast: YTN News N Issue
■ Progress: Anchor Kim Jung-a
■ Appearance: Professor Kim Hyung-joon of Myongji University, Bae Jong-ho Professor of Se-Han University

◇ Anchor> There is a controversial person because of the remark. Lee Eun-jae, a member of the Korean National Assembly, should he call himself Japanese? I had used the word "parody" in this case, although I went to the mall for frequent use of Japanese.

◆ Bae Jong-ho> The general characteristic of Lee Eun-jae is that it sounds so good that it bears the nickname "Buk-ee eui-jae".

And as you said, I have to continue to use Japanese as a language and Japanese as a language, but that language is a problem for me, so why does this person continue to use that language?

As you said, your language habits seemed so affected. Last time, please do not give gentleman to the chairman of the Education Science Committee on Cultural Education at this time.

So, Yoo Sung-yeop said, "Why is it before 3.1?" I finally apologized to him. As I said this time, it was a problem that I could do it. Is it also ironic that I am recently our director's correspondent? However, this correspondent came from a Japanese term, so he proposed to be badistant professor.

Nevertheless, I still think that using Japanese is a problem for me and I have to look at myself once.

◇ Anchor> When Professor Kim Hyung-joon stepped out of our program, I always talked about the qualities of MPs and I think this situation should be reconsidered.

◆ Kim Hyung-joon> Because we do not use English if it is broadcasting when we are not pitching a lot. In the past, the anchor would probably have been very experienced.

Now, if you have a pure Korean language, you are aiming for the pure Korean language and it is our great badet that we are Korean.

Hangul is the only language that accurately describes how language was created among the languages ​​of the world. The most scientific. If you are proud of it, do not change the language habits you just mentioned, but try to use our pure Korean language instead of using foreign words to be proud of our language and the Korean language. . I do not want to do it.

◇ Anchor> Yes, however, because I have the habit of taking the habit of using the language. So I think I have to pay attention to the dignity of the horse in everyday life.

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