[정치]Youn Seung-min, conference …


Yoo Seung-min, president of the party of the future, who broke a five-month lie and started speech politics, continues to worry about conservative reconstruction.

Yoo said that he had met with reporters before the special lecture at Ewha Womans University, that he had not put an end to his political activities, and that he was worried enough to speak more positively about political problems.

In his lecture, which lasts about an hour and a half, Yoo presented his own point of view on the market economy and growth strategy on the theme "Market, country and politics" and highlighted the problems of the government's economic policy.

Yoo explained to a student who had asked questions about conservative reform measures, stating that demonstration of capabilities in the field of economics and security was the meaning of conservative reconstruction.

He added that there was a clear way to overcome the pain, the efforts and the sacrifices, by diagnosing that the free Korean party and the future right-hand party were confused by identity.

In the conference, there were many close badociates of lawmakers Dong, Ji Sang-wook and Min Hyun-Ju.

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