[종합] & # 39; Cine Town & # 39; Seo Young Hee X Sonnar "Major Art → Report, No Regrets": Sports Chosun


[스포츠조선 조윤선 기자] Seo Young-hee and Sonnahu showed their quiet conversations.

SBS Power FM, which aired on July 7, Seo Young Hee and Son Naeun of the movie "Yeokgung" appeared in "Cine Invitation" of 'Cine Town & # 39; from Park Sun Young.

That day, Seo Young-hee said, "I am very happy to live with such anxiety, thank you for worrying you," he said, claiming that he had become a hardworking professional actor thanks to movies such as "Chaser" and "Kim Bok- He also said," I laugh too. "He also stated that he was happy, but he also thought that he wanted to let her know that he did not live like this. "He said. In addition, Seo Young-hee asked if he would be aware of this fact when choosing his job.

His band member Byeun said, "I feel nervous when I play alone, I always feel stressed because I have to do everything I've done all the time." When asked if members gave advice, he replied, "I support and monitor more than advice." In addition, when asked if there were any idiosyncrasies, and if they were embarrbaded, "I do not like to look at the camera unconsciously while playing the music, I do not want to put the camera back to I watched the camera without knowing it. "He said.

When Seo Young-hee and Son Na-eun asked about the difficulty of publishing this work, "Yeo Guk-seong", I received many tips on the work as it was about 39, a work with original work and it was not difficult to see a lot of movies and horror films televised when I was a kid. It was not difficult for me too, because my feelings were related to my mother-in-law's relationship with my daughter-in-law, so I did not want to look for her. "I thought I was getting ready a lot because I had a lot of emotions while I was working on it." However, since I was in the field, I was reacting to my role as an actor. .

Seo Young Hee and Son Naeun also pointed out that infrared photography was the most frightening shot. Seo Young-hee said: "It was a filming technique that we did not use much in the film, but we shot the film for the first time and it was embarrbading, but it was horrible to watch the video." I did not know how the other person was playing it, "he said.Besides, Seo Young-hee said:" This was the last action session that was difficult as a whole, but it was not a good idea. was the hardest part of the body. "Sohn Na-eun said:" I was very worried because I was doing action shoots for the first time. The water was soaked in the wells where I got wet and it was good, I felt good. "Seo Young-hee said," I'm sorry I had to dive into the water. The coldest water of last year. I'm sorry, "she added.

That day, Seo Young Hee and Son Naeun discovered an unexpected common point of art. Seo Young-hee, who studied fine arts while studying, said, "I changed career after I moved to SAT, so I wanted to be happier, so I chose D & # s To act to live a life without regret, "he thought. If you choose it, you may have regretted it, or you may have come back like that. "I do not regret this choice, but I think I can do it later as a hobby," he said.

The movie Yeo Gong Sung & # 39; is meanwhile composed of & # 39; Okbun & # 39; (His Na) and Shin's wife (Seo Young Hee), who accidentally set foot in a mansion where a strange death is followed for some unknown reason. Will be released on the eve of a mystery horror film.

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