[종합] Kendrick Rama, the worst heat, the sound accidents, and the fall .. but the best live


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[OSEN=김은애 기자] Lapper Kendrick Rama was a heat wave that would have shouted "DAMN", his album name and his tour name.

Nevertheless, Kendrick Rama overwhelmed his first performance with his live skills as he had swallowed a CD.

Kendrick Rama organized the "Super Concert 24 Hyundai Card KENDRICK LAMAR" at 8:00 pm at the auxiliary stadium of the Jamsil Sports Complex on the 30th of last month. Despite the fact that the special announcement of heat was made nationwide, 20,000 spectators gathered at the theater, which resulted in phosphorus.

# First Inner Heart

Last 4th album & # 39; DAMN. & # 39; In April last year. This is the first time Kendrick Rama has been touring Korea since July. Kendrick Rama's first performance was a comfortable white T-shirt and black pants. He said & dquo; DAMN. & # 39;

Kendrick Rama said, "It's the first time we come to Korea, let's have a party with us tonight." "Scream for yourself."

Kendrick Rama is a recent "DAMN". Tour and the filming list that was shown at the Fuji Look Festival in Japan on the 29th of 'FREESTYLE BACKINGAT', which is known as' ARING & # 39; to 'HUMBLE', 'ALRIGHT', 'DNA', and so on. and & # 39; LOYALTY & # 39 ;, who hit the Billboard charts, Kendrick Rama's hit songs followed in a row

# live (feat Teca)

Kendrick Rama is the best of the current rappers in terms of competence. In this performance, the explosive energy of Kendrick Rama, rap rapper and sharp Dixion were impressed by capturing the audience's ear at a glance.

Thus, the reaction of the public has increased as much as time. The audience responded to his pbadionate performance by shouting "Kendrick". In particular, Kendrick Rama called "ALTIGHT" and called "Put Your Hands Up", and fans ran wildly to the beat. When the representative song of Kendrick Rama "HUMBLE" came out, the audience was united to the full spirit of "Yi Yeonbok! Restaurant!" Spirit.

# Stage composition and acoustic accidents

Kendrick Rama C is a musician. In this performance, images of the sun, sky, sea and fire that flow on the big screen add to Kendrick Rama's charisma. It looks like a god like a goddrik llama.

However, there was an unexpected acoustic accident. When I called POOLS & # 39; and & # 39; FIDELITY & # 39; the sound was interrupted twice.

# Warming & Knife Out

The weather did not help the performance either. The performance, which took place on the outside, is linked to the "heat of the cauldron", and the public is forced to soak in sweat. In addition, as the temperature rises in many crowds, the public has been exhausted from all places. Of course, water and an ambulance were prepared in the theater in preparation for that.

Is it because of the heat like that? The first performance of Kendrick Rama was completed in about 50 minutes. Although having progressed according to the set list, Angkor Stage was one of the expectations of the fans because it was my first performance. But Kendrick Rama went behind the scenes after the theme song "ALL THE STARS". of the movie "Black Panther". The audience continued to shout Angkor, but there was no definite scene.

Nevertheless, Kendrick Rama shouted in the middle of the show as "I'll be back".

On the other hand, Kendrick Rama is a hip-hop musician who inspires many people through his performance surmounting the audience and insightful insight into the era. He received 12 Grammy Awards for his four regular albums, and in April he won the Pulitzer Prize for the first time as a hip-hop musician. /[email protected]

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