[종합] Kim Byung-hyeon's "Sean Shine" X Lee Byung-hun, "A step closer to the walk today"


[매일경제 스타투데이 원태성 객원기자]

In TVN's "Miss Shine" TV, which aired on the night of 29, [Aoyama] (Kim Tae Ri) and Eugene Choi (Lee Byung Hun) approached a little more.

The woman came directly to save her own sick wife. She told Jang Catcher Choi (Choi), "I would like to do the work to save the woman.

I will not go further, and until now I want to finish it.

Zhang Catcher visited Eugene Choi and told Eugene Choe, "I came to receive the price of alcohol." Eugene Choi asked, "How much will it be?" And he replied, "It will be very expensive." What he asked was to borrow force from the US military to save the sick woman.

The medical organization poured false information to save the woman. Hayashi, a Japanese publicist who heard misinformation, visited the Muslims and asked them to search the port of Chemulpo. The driving wheel (soft stone) arrived at Chemulpo first and waited for the woman to come.

At that time, the badbadin and other soldiers fired on the barbarian who was heading towards the station. The lady prevented her from driving to the phone station and drove her into a gun-car.

When she was shot on deck, she was hiding and being neat and went to the train station at 7 pm the following morning. . There, the driver, who was eager to live alone, was sitting "Do not come". When he saw the lady entering the station, he said, "I told you not to come." He stopped him in front.

After returning to Hansung and heading to his base, his mistress met Eugene Choi, who was waiting for her, and she was on the train, saying, "I do not know when that will be the case, but I do not want to do it today. "

"I do not know when this will be the case."

Eugene Choi says to himself: "It's hard to be the next step, hug", and the old lady hugged her without hesitation, and she said, "Let's walk one step closer to the walker."

I've already learned H, "Had a sad love predicted, but the love of the two was a step closer .

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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