[종합] Minimum wage next year 8350 won … 10.9% increase over this year


[Sejong = NewSise] Kang Se-hoon reporter = The minimum wage for next year was decided at 8530 won per hour.

The minimum wage committee decided to raise the minimum wage next year to 8,350 won, or 10.9% more than this year, at 4:30 am on the 14th.

The committee the minimum wage voted on the 8,650 votes obtained by the members of the workers' committee and the 8,350 votes obtained by the members of the public interest committee. 6,686 won and 8,350 won won 8 votes, which was confirmed by the members of the public interest committee.

This year, it will increase by 820 won from the minimum wage of 7530 won. It was 5.5 percent lower than the rate of 16.4 percent last year.

At the meeting, only fourteen workers, including five workers and nine members of the public interest, attended the meeting.

User members declared a boycott against the rejection of the minimum wage differential demand by the industry, and they did not attend the general meeting after informing them that 39, they would not participate in the minimum wage this year at 22:00

"The minimum wage is determined by the rate of 10.9% raised by the committee of public interest, which is 6 to 8", has declared a member of the workers' recommendation after the meeting. (19659007)! Function (f, b, e, e, w, e, w, w, e) v, n, t, s) {
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