[종합] “ Q '' surprise great success of the appearance …


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[매일경제 스타투데이 박준혁 객원기자]

The Nine MusiS Award was chosen as MVP.

MBC's Unexpected Q, which aired in the afternoon of the 21st, appeared as a guest of Lee, Heung and Hoshi.

Finally, he made his solo debut and came to the center to show his new song "Last Night". I've heard about Lee Soo-geun saying, "Can I put a slipper on the radio?"

MC Lee Soo-Keun and Jeon Hyun-moo decided to select three of the six songs submitted by members of their team, and the team was decided. Hoshi, Eun Ji Won and Lee Soo-joo were part of the Lee Soo-Keun team, and the remaining teams, Yoo Seung-yun and Yoo Se-yoon became Jeon Hyun Moo's team.

Lee Su-geun's team feared that there was no youngster, but apart from a problem of "body singer", everything was fine. I was hurt. Before the quiz began, the accountant said, "I'm a hole," but he seemed not to know it, but he showed an unexpected performance in the first eight seconds. The team of Lee Soo-Keun won 1 night and the team of Jeon Hyun-moo won 2 nights

When the "quiz emoticon" Lee Soo-geun said, "This is the subject of Chang's year." Jeon Hyun-moo also said, "I do not know the program, but there are many people who know this quiz. "The emoticon seems to be the most interesting," Lee said. In fact, in the quiz of the emoticon, accounting did not play much, and on the other hand, Hoshi was talking aloud.

The Eastlight again appeared for the last medley song. The Eastlight entered seriously and entered the chords in a sudden chaos, confusing people who were watching him in their own room. Yoo Seyoon, who does not understand laughter, says, "I am young and young," and Jeon-moo says, "I am very sick. The Eastlight said, "These days teens love this."

Medley Pbaded the Ninth Challenge

After all the quizzes were over and it was time to take the MVP, the accountant said, "I guess it's somehow me." However, Lee Soo-geun said: "It's just to choose MVP from the winning team." "Among the performances," Q is the most unexpected. "

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

However, when he became the MVP, he was confused. [ad_2]
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