[종합] & quot; Separation left & quot; Chishira X Boa, a real mother and daughter "Our daughter"


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[OSEN=유지혜 기자] Chishira and Jo Boa's "Left Separation" became a real mother and daughter.

On the tragedy of the MBC weekend 'Separation left & # 39; which was broadcast in the afternoon of 7,

Han Sang-jin (Lee Sung-jae) said that the aircraft owner replaced the smuggler in the end, Smuggler ", and was expelled from the company. Seo Young-hee (Chishira) said, "Your uniform was me, not that money, but it was this uniform that I had made decades ago." Han Sang-jin was disappointed with Seo Young-hee, and he finally hurt Kim Se-young (Chung Hye-young), who did not know that he wanted to become a wonderful father.

Jung Hyo tells Jeong Hyeong-in (Jung Woong-in) that he is a violent criminal and that he knows his past in the money lending business. Jeonghyo met his mother, who remembered herself as a "hell" as a drug addict, in a high school. "I'm not as unhappy as you are," said Jung Hyo, "but I know you're the only one who can give up everything for me – I love you," I say to impress my dad.

Han Minsoo came to the police station because he was worried about his smile when he heard about his contraband. Chung Chul asked Han Min-soo for Jeong-hyo, and Han Min-soo and Jung-hyo confided in each other. I do not want to make you love a mother, I want to show you that I am different from my father, and I want to show you that I am different from my father.

Han Min-soo, who was trying to take Jung-hyo, arrested his mother, Seo Young-hee, saying, "I wanted my child and my husband to be a diamond. So I wanted to shine, I believed in the sun, but it was a stone, not a diamond. Han Min-soo said: "It's only a question of two main props that my mother has gone." Seo Young-hee said that Jung-hyo's pregnancy was "an accessory for me and my father."

"I can make you shine," he said, "I do not betray you, do not follow a feeling so cheap, but follow me please. Then Junghyo said, "Only Aumma believed, she opened her mind that she was shut down because of her mother, and she was the first to depend on the woman who was an adult." I kissed an adult woman, I was the first to travel, and the first woman to drive, I was the first to do everything with my aunt.

Jung Hyo 's separated Seo Young Hee and stayed at his father's house Han Min-soo and Han Sang-jin also stayed together in Chungcheol's home, but Jung Hyo and Seo Young Hee miss each other Jung Hyo leaves the address after hearing the advice of Kim Seok-young's mother, Kim Ok-ja (Yang Hee-kyung): "I was born again to you as a mother because of you." Seo Young-hee visited Jung Hyo as Kim Ok-jae said

Seo Young Hee spoke alone with Jung Hyo He told Jung Hyo, "I do not forget that day, I do not will do it "It's the first time I've been comforted by a woman younger than me. I confess my heart, and Jung Hyo tells Seo Young-hee, "Mom". Seo Young Hee called Jung Hyo "My daughter". The two men cried and we became the real mother and daughter, saying, "We can really become one and the other."

Han Minsoo decided to go to the army. He said to me, "Do I have to go to the army now?", But Han Minsoo made a promise to Jung Chul that he would recover his money before going to the airport. 39, army and add to the Chungcheol factory to return to the army. Han Min-soo has become a little adult. Seo Young-hee, Chung Chul, Han Min-soo, Han Sang-jin and Jeong Hyo gathered together and said, "I'm going to take Chung Hyo and I'm going to divorce you." / [email protected]





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