[종합] Specialist druking, "holidays as on weekdays" … Assignment to the line-of-execution


[Seoul-NewSea] Journalist O. Heil Huh, Ik-bum (59th · Judicial Research and Training Institute) Special Investigation Team summons the incident on the 15th & # 39; comment handling incident & # 39; 39; incident and speeds up the investigation.

The spy agency investigates the pseudonym Seo Yu-Gi (31 years old) and Dooly Woo (32 years old), who were put on trial at the same time as "Drunk King & #" 39; Kimmo (49 years old).

Park attended the MS at 13:50 and went straight to the investigative room without answering questions such as "Do you want to declare the status of the King Krab protest?"

million. Park is a person who delivered a so-called "King Krab", an integrated program containing features such as Macro (automatic repeat entry), IP change, manipulation of Internet information and information on the Internet. 39; user. Kingkap is known to have been developed by Drunk King himself to manipulate comments.

He is the co-representative of the publishing house Elm Tree with the Druking Company, and is the key figure who is also clbadified as a fundraiser by representing the elderly soap dispenser "Floral Mam". It is also said that the prosecutor's office made a statement stating that "the comments were handled before the May presidential election of last year".

Dulli Woo, who was summoned at 3 pm, reportedly demonstrated King Krab to Governor Kim Kyung-soo. Park and Woo were brought back to trial with Drukking for manipulating commentary suggestions and interfering with Naver's commentary task.

Currently, the SP team is focusing on the development process of the Kingclap program, how it works, how it interacts with people involved, and post-development feedback. The fact that the Kingclap's operating process was reported or not to Kim was also the subject of an investigation.

Druking argued that he had shown a first version of Kingkap to Governor Kim at the office in Elm Tree, Gyeonggi Province, in October 2016, by a letter to the media on May 18. It's an badertion that Governor Kim nodded and practically approved the manipulation of comments.

In order to confirm the allegations, the spy team investigated the wool "Solvon Arta" (35) and on "Trelore" A, who are known to have participated in the process. operation of the king crab.

Meanwhile, the special investigation team would investigate the wife of the drunken lawyer and divorce Choi Mo, Druk King's sister, and other people.

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