[종합] "Woo Gyoung-shi", "It's the real me" Jae-Hoon, Wearable to Chae Soo-bin


[ 매일경제 스타투데이 허은경 객원기자 ]

Lee Hoonhun, "Woo Gyoksi Stars," revealed a cell phone to Chae Soo Bin.

In SBS's "Fox Gates Star" drama aired December 12, Lee Soo-yeon (Lee Soo-hoon) showed his own portable show in the middle of the summer.

That day, a knife stabbed the middle of the summer retaining the choke. Na Young-joo called Lee Soo-yeon and announced the news of the summer accident.

At that time, Lee Soo-yeon left his wheelchair without wearing a used wheelchair, met a student and dropped his mobile phone on the floor. He had trouble taking his cell phone, but he crashed into a wheelchair.

Lee Su – yeon was angry because she had been injured in the summer and spoke to an airport employee, a former Ndongbum lover, and said, "I will never retaliate. After that, he went straight to the criminal and punished him for his blind badault in the alley. He called the security team to inform him of where he was going. was.

The author was found in the toilets of an airport, attached to a tape. The security team was surprised and Choi Choi (Lee Seong-wook) suspected Lee Soo-yeon. He objected to Lee Soo-yeon's duties towards Yang Yang-suk (Kim Ji-soo), stating, "I can not close my eyes to try to put a risk at risk." Yang said: "It is a kind of violence with suspicion and reversal without proof."

Mr. Chang (Park Hyeok – kwon) confirmed Lee Su – yeon 's badault and cried. He said: "You, first day tired, did you forget what I said? Your new power is a gift for a normal life.You can not use it as a gift to hurt people. people or use it for your greed. "He said.

Lee Soo-yeon said, "I do not want to do anything to my relatives, but I should not do anything like that." Mr. Jang said, "I do not know what will happen next to your body. Do not be greedy, just a normal everyday life. "

Fortunately, the middle of summer has regained consciousness and has recovered. Lee Su-yeon went in the middle of summer in summer and met his mother, Yoon Hye-won (Kim Ye Jin). Lee Su – yeon said: "I like summer a lot" and Yoon Hye – won treats injured Lee Soo – yeon saying, "Is this the shooter who does not feel the pain? but it does not frown, it would be difficult at a young age, "he said.

Lee Soo-yeon told me later that Han Jae-young (Choi Won-young), a summer summer, had been saved. Yoon Hye-won said, "It's very strange that you have a relationship.

Meanwhile, the leader calls Seo In-woo (Lee Dong-kun) and asks him, "Is there Lee Su-yeon in his staff?"

I do not know why I do not know Lee Su-yeon and I do not know Lee Soo-yeon, but I do not know if I can do it. He went out and opened his seat. The head of the committee ordered Lee Su – yeon to conduct an investigation.

Lee Soo-yeon and Midsummer stood by the hand and went through the night to confirm each other's love through successive kisses. Lee Soo-yeon, Yoon Hye-won's former summer mother, said, "Do you like summer so much? It may be different before, but it can be difficult because it's different when you start going out together. "I advised you.

Lee Soo – yeon decided to confess in summer and go home with a summer moon. "I have to show you," he said, removing his clothes from the mid-summer back. This summer, he misunderstood Lee Soo-yeon's intention: "I have not been ready yet for that, so if you're naked," he hesitated.

Since then, Midsummer was surprised to see Lee Su-yeon's laptop. Lee Soo-yeon said, "It's really me, I'm such a different person.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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