[주간 브리핑] Increasing Jobs for Seniors – Kookmin Ilbo


This week, economic indicators showing the situation of the Korean economy such as the actual situation of the elderly (55-79 years), the population trend, the economic growth rate in the second quarter are dumped .

Labor Force Survey and Supplementary Survey of the Elderly. This is an annual survey once a year.

The next day, the National Statistics Office announces the "May Demographic Trends". In April, the number of babies reached 27,700, the lowest since 1981 when monthly statistics were written.

The Bank of Korea unveils a breakdown of the real gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in the second quarter on May 26. It should be lower than the preliminary growth rate of 1.0% in the first quarter. On August 25, the Bank of Korea (BOK) will release the results of the July Consumer Trend Survey, which may reveal consumer sentiment. The consumer confidence index for June was the lowest in a year and a half.

Kim Dong-yeon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, and Lee Ju-yul, Governor of the Republic of Korea (BOK), will visit the top 20 countries (Argentina) G20) The Minister of Finance Finance / Governor of the Central Bank will attend the meeting and return home on the 25th. Kim plans to discuss economic issues with US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mansushin and Finance Minister Liuqun.

The Minister of Finance and the Chief of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Yoon Suk-heon, will attend the Political Affairs Committee of the National Assembly. The card commission reduces and eases restrictions on the ownership of banks' industrial capital. Yoon attends the invitation dinner on the 23rd (19659006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) is the first official meeting with commercial bankers since its inauguration.
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