[주간 운세] In the first week of July 2018, what is your horoscope? | dispatch



– careful choice

It's time to be careful in your choice. Many things can be different depending on the choice of a moment. Make sure to make a particularly important decision.

If you are single, it's a good week for a solo getaway. Maybe you will meet someone who suits you. If you have a favorite person, do not hesitate to run. If you are a couple, it is a good idea to go out often.

It will be a satisfying week for wealth. You can get unexpected wealth or pocket money. It's also a good idea to get a job or a part-time job.


– Fruit Season

It is the moment when the effort we have until now is slowly bearing fruit. Be active and focus on work or studies. It will be accomplished and rewarding as hard and difficult. Give up even if you have trouble but push it to the end. The last step is always difficult.

If you are a couple, please take care of your lover more than usual. Even if you are busy, it's a good idea to date or contact. Those who are single need new changes.

This week is a good time and good luck. Those who are worried about the money will be able to catch their breath. If you are an office worker, you can leave work or move to a good place.


– Do not Hurry

Please, do not hurry and let yourself do some free time. It is best to take a short breath and rest. Do not let words or emotional actions stop you.

If you are a single person, try to make good use of your luck. There will be your connection in people crossing. If you are a couple, please increase your time with your lover.

In wealth, it's time to spend more than income. You can make more money than you think. Even if you use it when writing, please save it when you save.


– Do not give up

You might not have enough results compared to your efforts. But do not give up in the middle or do not back away easily. It is best to push with a strong willpower and driving force.

If you are a couple, it's time to have a good meal. Do not be too attracted to your opponent. Sometimes it is best to burn the child moderately. For those who are single, it is time for the new love to come.

It's time to reduce your expenses financially. Do not open your wallet unless it is absolutely necessary. Above all, it is best to refrain from trading money with others.


– Comfortable Daily Life

This week is a time when the body is comfortable and the mind is light. Have a quiet day and spend a week. Do not be too distracted or lazy.

A new love will come to those who are single. If you have a meeting or an appointment, please let me out. If you are a couple, the goby can come once.

It is time to modestly restrain wealth. Do not be too greedy or exhilarating. It is better to live according to the circumstances of your portfolio.


– Mental Control

It's time to manage your emotions and moods. Even if you get angry or bored, do not be touched. When you get angry with your opponent, you can end up with your heart.

If you are a couple, please give your date a little bit. It's a good idea to enjoy your time alone for a moment. If you are a single person, avoid unreasonable judgment.

It is better to show the appearance of the first in wealth. Do not get too attached to your money, but let your mind go. The more wealth you have, the more wealth you have.


– Relaxation

This is a time when a good mood change and stress relief are needed. Avoid embarrbading things and do what you love. It is best to avoid involuntary seats or gatherings.

If you are a single person, ask people around you a date blind. Maybe I will meet someone who suits you. If you are a couple, it is better to keep a horse than usual.

In riches, it is time to take active measures. Do not stand still and wait for wealth to grow. It is best to find a way to increase your income.


– Calmly

This is a period when you need a cool and rational attitude. Make yourself calm and calm. Do not be excited or emotional.

If you are a couple, you can get a little bored. It's a good idea to try something new or try something new. If you are single, it's time to meet a good relationship. If you have a meeting or an appointment, do not miss it.

Unexpected wealth can come this week. Maybe I can get a good job or a part time job. It would be nice to have a little more room than usual.


– Special Chance

This is a time when a special chance awaits you. I'll get rid of it any way you want. It is good to get up in the morning and memorize your order. Singing or listening to your favorite music is also good.

If you are a single person, it is a good idea to clarify your attitude. If you do not like it, cut it off. If you are a couple, you should look stable.

Economically, pleasant things will continue. It is time to have more wealth than expected. It is also good to have an interest in investing and finance.


– The Honest Attitude

This week is a time when we must be honest and honest. Even if you lose a little, please act fairly. I can recover the riches, but I can not get the ones I lost once again. Please give the impression that people are trusted people.

If you are a single person, meet someone with a small age difference. It's a good idea to find a friendly person who can cover you. If you are a couple, please give me a step to your lover.

This week is a time when there is a lot of money coming out of this week. Suddenly, you may have to spend a lot of money or money. If necessary, ask for help from someone around you.


– As the wind blows

This is a time when there are small but nervous things to do. Someone else could come to the ground because they are still there. Do not be irritated, but please, smile slightly. If you care about little things, you can not focus on big things. It is best to move when the wind is blowing.

If you are a couple, please let your lover cope well. It is best to refrain from words and phrases that could hurt your opponent. If you are a single person, please ask your loved ones a date blind.

This week is a good time for other fortunes compared to the other chance. I'm going to have my wallet and my heart too full. There are many things to come, but I can also increase my expenses.


– superstition

It is time to be for someone else than oneself. Do not just try to get it. If you have difficulties, let me help you first.

If you are single, you can meet a thousand people. Do not miss it if you like it. If you are a couple, it's a good idea to take care of your lover.

This week is a rich and relaxed week for money. It would be nice to have a jaw for newcomers. If you are looking for a job, get an introduction.

※ The content of the fortune is provided by the person from the mountain water (www.fortune8282.co.kr).

[ⓒ 뉴스1코리아(news1.kr), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

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