[지역이슈] Transfer of Daegu in the first period … The detection of perfluorinated compounds is a catalyst


[Actualités mondiales] The World Health Organization (IARC) has detected a kind of perfluorinated compound clbadified as a carcinogen in the tap water of Daegu, the Nakdong River being the source of water.

The Ministry of the Environment announced on the 29th of last month that it has recently designated three types of perfluorinated compounds as elements for monitoring the quality of tap water,

However, some media quoted the Ministry of the Environment saying that "the detection of carcinogens in the Daegu water tap" is not of concern, but the trend of detection is confirmed in the station water purification. As a result, the citizens of Daegu were shocked, and tens of thousands of people participated in petitions for Cheong Wa Dae

Perfluorocarbons (PFOA) clbadified as a carcinogen in the case of the wastewater treatment plant. of Daegu Munsan and Maegok purification plant 0.003 and 0.004 μg / l, respectively.

The Department of Health has stated that these numbers are below 0.07 μg / ℓ for the United States, which has the minimum recommended value worldwide.

In the case of perfluorinated hexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS), animal tests such as weight loss, cholesterol reduction, and changes in thyroid hormone levels were used to detect 0.102 ㎍ and 0.126 ㎍ / ℓ in the purification stations of Daegu Munsan and Maegok.

However, the fear of tap water has not sunk, and to ensure the safety of drinking water against the continued release of chemicals from the Gumi Industrial Complex, it is needed to move the water supply center of Daegu (Kangjeong Goryeongbo) I heard that the voice was growing.

The difference in position between the city of Daegu and the city of Gumi and the government's decision to consult the two local governments have been a catalyst for this problem.

Kwon Young-jin On May 29, the mayor of Daegu City expressed his strong will, saying, "I will deal with the mayor regarding drinking water."

When Gumi citizens and social organizations jointly use the Daegu and Haepyung water deposits, they are said to be concerned about damage to property rights by increasing the number of reserves of water sources.

He also pointed out that there was a lack of water in Haepyung's water intake system and that the quality of the water could pose problem. "There is no impact on the Ministry of Lands, Transport and Maritime Affairs in 2014

He notably suggested:" If the citizens of Gumi do not believe you, let -to go to a third professional agency for a review, "he said.

Governor Lee Chul-woo of the Governor of Gyeongbuk Province, on the other hand, took a proactive stance on the issue of the transfer of Daegu's water intake, and the prospect of resolving the problem has become clear.

The provincial governor said on the 29th of last month, "In order to provide a stable drinking water source for the citizens of Daegu, it is necessary to transfer water from Yeongcheon dam and dam from Sungju to Daegu. "

He said," The roots of Gyeongbuk and Daegu are one. "

Bae Ji-sook, chairman of Daegu City Council, said," We should not to fight with the issue of water, "he said. "Although water is directly related to the right of Daegu citizens, chemical pollution has been repeated in the Nakdong River, which is a source of water." Daegu City Council members plan to deal with the problem. (19659002) [email protected]

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