[책의 향기] As the gentleman who came to Europe … I dream of the resurrection of the Sunni spirit.


◇ Gentleman and Sunbee / Written by Seung-Jong / 324 pages · 17,000 won · Sau

The spread of chivalry in Europe was a crusade that lasted two centuries from the end of the eleventh century. The Crusader war provoked the reconquest of the holy place, but in reality it was a secular goal such as the expansion of the territory.

While Europe has modernized through the civil and industrial revolutions, Asian countries have had a lot of research and interpretations about the causes of the "branch" that do not exist. was not so often. The author, a historian who was a professor of Korean studies at the University of Tübingen in Germany, examined the structure and causes of the Gentry sanctuaries in England and the Joseon dynasty.

According to the author, a shrine should look for a source in the chapters. Those who were the son of the early Middle Ages in the Western Middle Ages, but who did not inherit the spiritual land, engaged in looting and violence in various places. Here we have an article ranking. The Vatican, which was not confused, issued guidelines such as "Do not push the woman," Do not steal the merchant's wealth, "and" Only fight the knights. "

The Knights' Order collapsed in the 16th century as new firearms developed and military utility ceased to exist. However, chivalry continued to be a sanctuary. Some of the original articles have also been included in the Gentry hierarchy, which is the majority of the British village community, but does not have the most names. The author introduces the provocative hypothesis of the American economist Gregory Clark in 2007.

The children of Gentry, even though their status is downgraded, are still changing the values ​​of their parents , like patience, diligence and originality. I kept the behavior. The flaws are not too rare, but they are convincing. Gentry became a capitalist through the movement of enclosures (turning farmland into pastures for grazing sheep), and the gentleman's values ​​are inherited from modern civilization and culture while they permeate education. public

. ] Paintings of the painter Jeong Hong-rae (1720 ~?) & # 39; Pine and Sunbee & # 39; (Shogun Pavilion, 松 觀 湍 圖). This is a collection of the National Museum of Korea.

The Joseon Dynasties Had Less Economic Activity Than Gentry The ideal type of Joseon Dynasty was to complete self-worth and calm others. By the end of the Joseon Dynasty, many of them were peasants, but they were fundamentally different from the European bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie dreamed of becoming a wealthy man through business, but Sunbee only wanted to be independent through agriculture and some secondary jobs. Confucius believed that the amount of wealth was limited and was trying to prevent individuals from making big profits. We have seen that the Sunbi can fundamentally solve many of society's problems if human beings restore their good nature. At the end of the Joseon Dynasty, the Sunvists also proposed a new perspective. Hae-gang Choi Han-ki (1803 ~ 1877), a realist, pointed out that he should reveal the "Ki of transportation". In modern terms, it can be interpreted as putting the emphasis on natural scientific observation and badysis and social. "Unfortunately, it was too late," he wrote. After the Joseon collapse, Confucian Kim Taekyoung (1850-1927) pointed to the cause of crime as Sharia-based discrimination. The author also thinks that "the fundamentalism of neo-Confucianism" has produced the abolition of the suppression of ideology through the struggle and the forbidden, the policy of 39; isolation. But I say about Sunbi. "Joseon scholars had a pure personality that abstained from material desires, knew the gratitude of nature and was not exploited under the name of development.
Through the Japanese colonial period and the war from the 25th, the tradition was almost cut off, but the intellectuals and the citizens, like the past campaigns, have solidarized and democratized the people The author must inherit the virtues of Sunbi and have an idea of ​​the future. "Confucian capitalism is not a current state of East Asia, but a dream of the future."

Journalist Jo Jong-yeop [email protected] [19659009] Close Window

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