[청와대] Expanding Work Incentives … Supporting 3.84 Billion Won for 3.14 Million Households



Cheong Wa Dae expressed his willingness to push the so-called "Jomomus" in the second half of the year, based on the government's economic policy Moon Jae-in, led by growth driven by income. The government has increased the number of job creation grants to more than three times its current 3 trillion won. However, the economic growth rate was slightly lower. Today, I will summarize the direction of economic policy in the second half of the government of Moon Jae-in and the last minute reports on the municipal martial law documents in the Cheong Wa Dae file.

[기자] [취임 100일 기자회견 (지난해 8월 17일) : 사람답게 살 권리의 상징인 최저임금 인상, 미래세대 주거복지 실현을 위한 부동산 시장 안정대책, 모두 국민의 기본권을 위한 정책입니다. 국민들께서 변화를 피부로 느끼실 수 있도록 더 세심하게 정책을 살피겠습니다.]

In August of last year, President Moon Jae-in, who became the first press conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his inauguration, took over the people-centered economy.

[2018 신년 기자회견 (1월 10일) : 공공부문 비정규직의 정규직화가 시작되었고, 8년 만의 대타협으로 올해 최저임금 인상률을 16.4%로 결정했습니다. 저임금 노동자의 삶의 질을 보장하고 가계소득을 높여 소득주도성장의 기반이 될 것입니다.]

In the first year of its inauguration, it raised the minimum wage to 16.4%, the previous year's previous level increase, The foundation of In four years, we saw the growth rate economic rise to 3%. However, this year, the employment rate and income distribution indicators, which are closely linked to people's lives, have deteriorated, as have low-wage workers and small self-employed workers.

[김동연/경제부총리 : 하반기 경제전망을 준비하며 저희는 많은 고민을 했습니다. 과거에는 통상적으로 앞으로 쓸 정책의 효과까지 반영하여 비교적 낙관적인 전망을 했던 것이 사실입니다. 그러나 이번에는 현재의 경제상황을 현실적이고 냉정하게 있는 그대로 전망하고, 이를 토대로 한 정책방향을 국민 여러분께 설명드리고자 합니다.]

The Government went on the job of diagnosing reality in a calm manner and finally, President Moon apologized for not being able to keep his commitment to the presidential election. First, we lowered the economic growth rate from 3.0% to 2.9% this year. As a result, growth of 3% for the second year in a row has become virtually impossible. Consumption and investment forecasts have also been revised downwards. Instead, I made an extraordinary step.

[김동연/경제부총리 : 지원 금액도 단독가구는 최대 85만원에서 150만원, 홑벌이는 최대 200만원에서 260만원, 맞벌이는 최대 250만원에서 300만원으로 대폭 늘리겠습니다. 연 1회 지급하던 것을 연 2회로 나누어 지급하여 소득지원의 체감도를 높이겠습니다.]

Two years after graduation, first-year youth will pay a maximum of 500,000 won a month for six months, the amount of the grant will be doubled and the total amount paid three times over 3, 42 million households. There is a plan to pay. We will also increase the number of jobs of the 3,000 people this year, and by next year, we will increase the number of these people by more than 80,000. We have also introduced measures to boost consumption and investment. The individual tax on pbadenger cars has been lowered, so that the tax will be reduced by KRW 430,000 on the basis of 20,000,000 won from tomorrow.

We also prepared a one-point measure for the problem of the minimum wage, caused by the "war of the worlds". First of all, we decided to introduce a mobile payment system dedicated to small business owners, "pay-as-you-go". If you put an app on your smartphone, you can buy things in a convenience store by transferring money or points.

In order to encourage the use, it also allows to deduct income for the traditional market, up to 40%, up to 1 million won, which is advantageous for consumers. The FTC has released a knife in the convenience store industry.

[김상조/공정거래위원장 (지난 16일) : 가맹사업의 통일성 유지와 무관한 품목을 점주로 하여금 구입하도록 강제하는 행위나 광고·판촉 비용을 전가하는 행위, 그리고 예상 매출액에 관한 정보를 과장하여 제공한 행위 등을 중점적으로 확인해 볼 계획입니다.]

The FTC visited the convenience stores of Seven-Eleven and E-Mart 24 yesterday to check whether they were unfair or not. . The convenience industry is opposed to it: "There is no logical connection between the damage done by the owner of a small business and the way to bargain at head office because of the unreasonable minimum wage of the government.

The meeting today will be summarized as < 정부, 근로장려금 3조8000억원 푼다…소득주도 성장은 계속 유지 > and will be summarized as

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