[청와대] The eyes of the G20 heading for the summit of Korea-America … The negotiations between North Korea and the United States are under way



The G20 summit will take place tomorrow (30) in Argentina. The sixth meeting of the Korea-US Summit will also take place. There is growing interest in the question of whether to find a way to deal with the slow negotiations between North Korea and the United States. In the midst of this, intercorean cooperation projects are accelerating progressively, but after the confirmation of the schedule of joint railway surveys, today we have delivered 50 tons of pine recovery bottles to the north. Today, we will be looking at various news about diplomacy and security, as well as news from the Blue House in Cheong Wa Dae.


On the other side of the world, leaders from major countries of South Korea, the United States, China, Russia and Japan are meeting in Argentina. The G20 summit starts tomorrow night. I am also interested in President Moon and President Trump.

[존 볼턴/백악관 국가안보보좌관 (현지시간 지난 27일) : 트럼프 대통령은 (G20) 주최국인 아르헨티나의 마크리 대통령을 만날 예정입니다. 한국의 문재인 대통령과도 만날 예정입니다.]

The objective is to unveil the indices of blocked negotiations between North Korea and the United States. Kim Jong-un is willing to allow verification of the Yongbyon nuclear facility. There is also an observation that President Moon could try to negotiate by transmitting Kim's private message.

But this time, the weather seems to be a little tight. This is because of the busy schedule of Captain America. In less than a day, we must discuss the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the trade war with China.

[존 볼턴/백악관 국가안보보좌관 (현지시간 지난 27일) : 트럼프 대통령은 에르도안 터키 대통령과도 만날 계획이며, 아베 일본 총리와는 양자회담을 가진 뒤 나렌드라 모디 인도 총리가 합세해 3자 회담이 이뤄질 예정입니다. 이후 푸틴 러시아 대통령과 만남을 갖고, 시진핑 주석과 실무 만찬을 가질 것입니다.]

In particular, the meeting between the American and Chinese leaders is the first since the beginning of the war. Trump's president wants to return China, but he faces the fact that he will achieve a "Chinese dream". If we do not reach an agreement, we will increase tariffs on Chinese imports from $ 200 billion to 25% next year. The IMF's Lagardo warning that "trade barriers are ultimately self-destructive" has further increased the pressure level.

Trump President My Way. It is based on the belief that it is a "national priority" and "my judgment is always right". This is very evident in today's Washington Post interview.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (음성대역) : 저처럼 높은 수준의 지성을 지닌 사람들의 문제는 다들 사실이라고 믿는 걸 쉽게 못 믿는다는 겁니다.]

In short, it's a story that my head is so good, I'm too smart. I only add one more word in my head, which is also good.

[도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (음성대역) : 저는 연준이 마음에 들지 않아요. 저는 직감이 있고 제 직감은 가끔 다른 뇌보다도 정확한데, 그들(연준)은 실수를 저지르고 있습니다.]

Not long ago, I had my note. The answer is exactly what we expected.

[크리스 윌리스/미 폭스뉴스 앵커 (현지시간 지난 18일 / 화면출처 : 미 폭스뉴스) : 역대 대통령 중 본인을 몇 등급이라고 생각합니까?] [도널드 트럼프/미국 대통령 (현지시간 지난 18일 / 화면출처 : 미 폭스뉴스) : 난 잘하고 있다고 생각합니다. 우리의 경제는 역대 최고입니다. (그래서 당신을 몇 등급으로 생각하십니까?) 우린 정말 잘하고 있습니다. 우리는 북한과 전쟁을 할 수도 있었습니다. 이렇게 하는 것을 싫어하지만, 해야겠습니다. 나는 나 스스로에게 에이 플러스(A+)를 주겠습니다. 충분해요? 더 높은 점수는 없나요?]

Even if I want to exaggerate a bit, sometimes I feel confident. My people usually lower themselves by thinking that "humility is a virtue". I am also. We are a little late this year, but I will still have to shout next year, "Director, A + s" please.

This is the news of President Moon. Before going to Argentina, I went through the Czech Republic and went to the so-called "sale of nuclear products". At a meeting with Prime Minister Andrea Bibbi, he urged us to "want to help our companies, which have excellent experience in technology, operations and management, to participate in the construction of the new nuclear power station ".

[윤영찬/청와대 국민소통수석 (현지시간 지난 28일) : 문 대통령은 ‘한국은 현재 24기의 원전을 운영 중에 있고, 지난 40년간 원전을 운영하면서 단 한 건의 사고도 없었다’며 ‘바라카 원전의 경우도 사막이라는 특수한 환경에서도 비용 추가 없이 공기를 완벽하게 맞췄다’고 말했습니다.]

The Czech Republic is famous for its beautiful architecture. I can not help but watch the cathedral by devout Catholics, Moon. We found Vitus Cathedral in Prague, considered the most beautiful stained glbad window in the world. I pray together, I look at the artifacts of the crown. And now, he comes out of the cathedral and heads for the next destination, where suddenly you hear an urgent cry.

It turned out that Ms. Kim Jong-sook, who was deeply involved in the visit of the cathedral, had missed the departure of the party of the president who had left the church. So I jumped like this, "Where is my husband?" Fortunately, Moon joined the president and moved to the next place.

Today, we will organize the presentation of the Blue House. < G20 개막 D-1…북·미 협상 돌파구 찾는다 > .

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