1 [Monde étrange] Charity Calendar, Kerr …


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Lee, Chan – Jin. Actress Kim Hee-ah's husband, Lee Chan-jin, Fortis, has posted a commemorative memorial service for the late Nobuhwan Chan.

Lee Chan-jin posted a long text on his Facebook page and linked the video on the 26th. Lee said: "I have not been a political party for quite some time now.

Then Lee Chan-jin said, "I would have probably met Mr. Young-chan, who died so badly, but I met him and talked to him" I seemed to be missing. "I saw a lot of articles in various newspapers from a plane that was coming to Jeju, but I had forgotten one day, I woke up early this morning and I 've watched Facebook. "

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Lee Chan-jin's article on Facebook Lee Chan-jin said:" After this article, I will join the party member online on the website of the Ministry of Justice. "I can not help being sorry for that, but I can not do anything." "Of course, one day in the last days, I could be disappointed with justice and stop pouring and leaving.

The video link posted by Lee Chan-jin is the video of & # 39; 6411 & # 39, who is famous for his speech, You know "video." At that time, the delegation noted that people using the buses were at number 6411: "We have been a transparent party for these people. 19659003] Lee Chan-jin, who developed Hangul in 1989, developed Hangul and Hangul in Korean and computer, served as president of the company, and in 1996 he became a subject of marriage and taxation with the big star, Kim Hee Ae.

Meanwhile, the funeral of former President Roh Roh should be promoted to the head of the National Assembly for two days from 26.

wjlee @ mkinternet. com

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

After the ceremony at 9 am on the 27th, the funeral ceremony will take place at 10am in the National Assembly, [ad_2]
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