1 [Monde étrange] Charity Calendar, Kerr … "I have to accept an egg."


[사진 JTBC 뉴스룸]

[사진 JTBC 뉴스룸]

2018 World Cup russian captain Ki Sung-yong reflected on his retirement and preparation for the World Cup. Gi Sung Yong appeared in the newsroom of the JTBC on the 5th and said, "I have a lot of physical and mental difficulties and my body is a bit more damaged than it used to be", did it? he says.

Ki Sung-yong said that this World Cup Russia is actually his last world cup. However, the Asian Cup seems to be insufficient for the national team to officially declare its retirement. "I am very worried about the Asian Cup," Lee said. "I'm worried about whether or not I can help the team."

Ki Sung Yong said that he would be able to answer the call to the national team of the Asian Cup through interviews.

The team also talked about the "German War" which showed great performance. Sohn Seok-hee, an anchor, said: "The German tournament was really good, and I could not resist the fact that I was not able to play because of injury." Ki Sung Yong replied, "Fortunately, thanks to the fact that I won hearts because I did not get the result."

Anchor in hand said: "I did not win because I was not there, but I won if it was not the case . " "It was heartbreaking not to be together until the last minute as captain and I was very much criticized by the players for preparing for the World Cup. I was grateful for that." To have given some hope to people by winning the match in Germany, but I was sad to see the match. "He said.

After the victory of Germany, an egg flies to the Incheon International Airport. "I did not feel the atmosphere on the court, but I feel a bit saddened by the players," Lee said. "When I arrived at the airport after the World Cup in 2014, football fans baptized us with embarrbadment.I thought it was impossible to accept such a place." [19659002] Ki Sung-yong signed a contract to leave for Newcastle after finishing the Germany Cup in Russia. So I came back two days later than the other team. Kee Sung Yong left New York City from Swansea City, where his contract expires on July 1st.

 Korean football captain Ki Sung-yong (top gray) awards a 10 million won prize to Kwangju High School for the stadium. of the Kwangju world where the K-League Challenge Gwangju and the Seoul E-land. [연합뉴스]

Ki Sung-yong, captain of the Korean football team (top gray), awards a scholarship of 10 million won to Kwangju High School to find the Kwangju World Cup stadium where he will compete. will face K-League Challenge Gwangju FC and Seoul E-land. B, e, v, n, t, s) {19659004] if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f._fbq) f._fbq = n;
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