"1 night and 2 days" side "100% purity of limbs in the atmosphere, the atmosphere of the scene is made cheap" – News taken in the eyes visible news


[뉴스엔 박아름 기자]

& # 39; 1 night and 2 days & # 39; Kim Jun-ho – Kim Jong-min has formed a combination of just han-han han-chan and interest in history rushes.

On the KBS 2TV's Happy Sunday – 1 Night 2 Days Season 3 & # 39; (November 1 and 2) airing Nov. 4, the first article of "Autumn Man Leopard Play" is being played out & # 39; left to the princess of Chungnam. Gyeryongsan is a famous place where the special training of Park Chan-ho was given. In addition, as the person who received the Gyeryongsan periodicals is a mysterious place with the fact that the work is resolved, the six members of "1 night and 2 days" will challenge mountaineering in the fall to absorb the Gyeryongsan energy.

That day, Kim Jun-ho, Cha Tae-hyun, Defcon, Kim Jongmin, Yun Dong-gu and Chung Joon-young reveal their friendship and the sincere feelings they have accumulated over the past five years. years. Especially, as the unexpected storm bubbles poured out, the 100% purity of the limbs would have made the atmosphere of the stage really "cheap" (suddenly the atmosphere suddenly shrank), which explains what happened.

In the meantime, Kim Jong-min, in response to the question "Who can trust the money?", Made a scathing statement saying, "Joon-hong (double my money) will be doubled. " In addition, members wondered if Kim Jong-min's warm conscience towards Kim Jun-ho and a nearly 100% confidence in the proliferation of the property had been expressed. In the middle of an unexpected setback, Kim Jun Ho's interest in his reaction and the reason why the two men formed the virtuous Han-Tang combo.

Not only. Defcon answered the crew's question: "Cha will go to the police station." Cha Tae-hyun added, "It is said that the difference between Pukon and Jun-yeong is that the face . "

As such, I wonder how members of the members who have been together for five years and the years that lived together and the spirit they shared among themselves would have been. It is also confirmed by the program "1 night and 2 days" of November 4 that the intonation of the six members will be an important variable this week.

(Photo = KBS 2TV provided & # 39; one night and two days & # 39;)

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