11 Report calls for repairs. About 1000


There are also 119 reports requesting the removal of the bee nest as the bees sharply increase in the highest extreme heat.

According to the fire department on the 23rd, the report of the honeymoon removal was received more than 1,000 new days a week.

The report on the removal of the hive on the 15th, from 1445 cases on the 16th, exceeded thousand every day until the day before.

The number of people injured by the bee was over 200 from the 15th to the 22nd. 19659002] An incident occurred in Andong, Gyeongbuk Province, on 16 June.

The fire department reported 14,372 cases of hive removal until the end of June,

A 119 fire department official said: "Every year from June to September, when the weather warms up, the number of bees increases. "It seems that this phenomenon is worsening this year because of the heat wave," he said, adding that "the elimination of bees is the most important part of the recent cases of people's safety. . "

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