11th world space rocket engine technology …


Entry 2018.11.28 17:57

The pilot project to check the flight performance of the 75-ton engine, the core technology of the Korean "Nuriho" launcher, burned more than 151 seconds, exceeding the engine's target burn time of 140 seconds. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) decided that the engine had burned and flown for 140 seconds.

As a result, he surpbaded the crucial door of the project of developing a Korean-type project lasting eleven years, from March 2010 to March 2021. After the launch of 'Naro & # 39; ; on January 30, 2013, space rockets were launched in Korea only five years and ten months ago.

The Korean launcher of the 75-ton Nuri motor test vehicle is due to launch on August 28 at 4 pm Korean Institute of Aerospace Research.

Lee Jin-gyu said in a briefing after the launch: "The thrower was launched from the Goheung Space Center for 151 seconds after it burned, then burned for 151 seconds, more than 140 seconds. , which is the target value of the engine combustion. "It reached a maximum altitude of 209 km and it was badyzed that it was falling unhindered on the southeast coast of Jeju Island , located 429 km from the space center. "

Get the world's first space rocket engine technology

South Korea has acquired the world's tenth independent space rocket engine technology, the 28-day test vehicle having been able to burn for 140 seconds of target combustion time. At present, the United States, Russia, Japan, India, Europe, China, Ukraine, Israel, Iran and Korea North have acquired their own space rocket engine technology from around the world. Of course, the fact that space development companies such as Space X, Blue Origin and Rocket Lab develop and market their own launch vehicles does not make sense, but most of them have already acquired original technology.

Launched in January 2013, NARO was the first Korean space launch vehicle capable of launching a small 100 kg satellite in an elliptical orbit of 300 to 1,500 km. However, it was difficult to call it a fully independent space launcher as it used a first-stage engine developed in Russia. In addition, there was a limit to approaching the marketing market of the practical satellite launch by launching a small 100 kg satellite into an elliptical orbit.

Lee Jin-kyu, Minister of the Ministry of Information and Communication, said: "The development difficulty of the Korean-type development project was the highest, and the core technology, the clbad 75 engine, tons, was verified. " Will be "to evaluate the meaning.

Kang Hwan-Hwan, director of the Korean-type launcher development project, said, "The space launcher has a lot of technology, but we have acquired an engine technology that we do not have yet."

The 75-ton Korean Nuriho test launcher for the Korean launcher is launched in the air after launch. Korean Institute of Aerospace Research.

◇ No technology to tell anyone … To catch the instability of burning, even 10 months late

The development of a 75-ton liquid engine for a Korean launcher was a difficult process. Developed countries that have first developed space launch technology do not disclose their core technologies. They must therefore acquire their own know-how by taking advantage of the know-how acquired by the launch of "Naro Lake".

In particular, the firing tests scheduled for late 2017 have been delayed by 10 months due to the instability of engine combustion. As a result, the launch of the Korean launcher "Nuriho" has been postponed from 2020 to 2021.

What annoyed the engineers is the instability of combustion. The problem of instability of combustion is that the process of combustion and combustion of fuel and liquid oxygen inside the engine is not carried out uniformly. In order to solve this problem, the researchers modified the engine design 20 times and performed 100 times the ground burning test to solve the problem of instability of combustion. It has been difficult to find a technique for welding the fuel tank and the oxidizer tank.

"When we had problems, it was the most difficult thing for us to solve," he said. "We can not ask the advanced countries of the world.

Development Development of Korean type launchers … "The success rate will increase"

The 28-day test launcher is a 75-ton liquid engine with a one-stage engine and a weight simulator running on the engine. The total length is 25.8 m, the maximum diameter of 2.6 m and the total weight of 52.1 tons, similar to both ends of the Korean launcher "Nuri".

The Korean launcher "Nuriho", under development, is a three-stage launcher: the first floor is composed of four 75-ton liquid engines and a 300-ton clbad engine. The second stage is a 75 ton liquid engine. It consists of a unit. The length is 47.2 m, the maximum diameter is 3.5 m and the total weight is 200 tons. The objective is to place practical satellites of 1.5 tons at low altitudes of 600 to 800 km.

The development of a Korean launcher should be crucial as a 75-ton pilot project was steadily burned for 151 seconds as the two-stage section of the Korean launcher is stable. Korea's first three-stage launch vehicle has a target burn time of 120 seconds and a 140-second engine. Nuriho, a three-storey Korean launcher, will be launched twice in February 2021 and October 2021.

In particular, the combination of Korean satellite technology and rocket engine technology, which has already proven itself in the global market, will enable us to acquire the essential technological capabilities of advanced countries such as the United States, Europe and Russia. Korea's status in international cooperation for space development, such as the International Space Station, the exploration of Mars and the asteroid, can be improved.

Much remains to be done before the final launch of Lake Nuri in February 2021. We must make sure that the performance of the 75-ton engine is verified by combining four engines tested. Until next year, it is necessary to create a system development model (EM engineering model) and a 3-step authentication model (QM model · qualification ). Performance of the 7-ton three-stage engine and stability at high altitude must be built and performance verified.

"We need to develop and test the first-stage engine cluster system and develop and test the third-stage engine system to develop a three-stage launch vehicle in the future." We will start testing from the beginning of next year, "he said.

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