1st anniversary of Apple App Store, continued growth of the application economy


▲ Apple AppStore logo

Apple released its first-generation iPhone in June 2007. And in July 2008, Apple launched its application store service for iPhone only. And 10 years later, users use an average of 40 apps a month, consuming 3 hours a day.

Download applications from the App Store from 2010, when the first generation iPad appeared until last year (2017) The number was over 170 billion. Consumers have spent over $ 130 billion on these apps.

According to the report, the cost of consumer applications has increased since the launch of the App Store service. Last year (2017), the amount was $ 42.5 billion. The average annual growth rate for the seven years from 2011 is as high as 52%. Especially in recent years. It has almost doubled in three years compared to 2015.

This trend is expected to continue in the future and is expected to reach $ 53.1 billion this year. In 2022, App Annie predicted that it would increase to $ 75.7 billion, an increase of 80% over last year.

App Annie also released a comparison of Apple App Store and rival Google Play. Last year, app store and Google Play downloads were 30% and 70% respectively. In contrast, the percentage of consumer spending is 66% for the App Store and 34% for Google Play. Google Play is extremely large, but the App Store is ahead of the App Store.

The scale of the application income also reflects these data. The number of apps that have sold more than a million dollars to the App Store has steadily increased, reaching 770 in 2012. In recent years, it has grown to 2,857 species in 2017.

Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, said that after the opening of the App Store at the Apple Developer Conference in June this year,

Naturally, in 2008, when Steve Jobs released software for the development of iOS applications, sales were zero. And 10 years later, our work environment and our daily lives are undergoing major changes with smartphones and apps.

According to App Annie, the largest consumer spending in the App Store is in the United States. China, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, France and Korea. In recent years, subscription-based applications have become more active, as more and more people are using application pricing

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