2 hours ago Kim Ji-eun finishes the witness's diary


Ahn Jae-jung, 53, who was charged with badual badault on a secretary, was fired after 16 hours in the second trial of the Chungnam branch.

Joo Byeong-gug) entered the witness's diary for Kim Ji-eun (33) in the yard No. 303 from 10 am on the 6th. The court continued the process of press up. at 12:50 and adjourned.After lunch, the judge resumed the trial from 14h.

According to the court, the prosecutor's office and the opposition of the defense attorney's lawyer, the defendant, C 'was until 23:30, and the The rest of the time was spent in the newspaper of the prosecution and in the newspaper of the court.

In consideration of the nature of the incident, a court official said, "The victim, Kim, announced today that he would like to complete the witness's log at the trial. I did not reveal the process.

The shield was installed in the office of the security officer

The shield was installed in the office of the security officer. The defendant's seat and the defendant's defense lawyer are placed on the left side of the judge's standard, and the rostrum is placed on the front, and if there is no tool for observe the eyes of both people, Kim and Annye can see each other. It is said that the former governor has placed a car / rounded closure only on the seat.

The court ruled that witnesses and accused should not overlap for the rest of the day. This was announced.
As the prosecutor and the governor of the prefecture announced earlier today, the newspaper said, "There is a lot of" power "between Kim and An, of one. other side.

The prosecution said in the first trial that took place on February 2 that the case was "a greedy type of power affair". Sexual crime "and" used the powerful position, power, political and social influence of the accused mentioned as the next presidential candidate "and" exploited an extreme asymmetrical status and influence ".

He said, "There was no existence of power and events, and even though she had power, there was no causal relationship with bad." J & # 39; I refuted. "It's Kim's behavior to prove that there was no power, no badual exploitation by force, and there are objective circumstances. "" This will be revealed in a witness diary. "

This is the first time Kim has opened his mouth at an official ceremony since the interview broadcast on March 5.

Ahn was indicted on April 11 on suspicion of continuing to rape and mistreat Kim.

Kim is charged with raping four times in Russia, Switzerland, Seoul, etc. re, he was suspected of having been forced to carry out five raids in July and August last year, and in November of last year, he persecuted Kim as governor in the car.

Three suspicions were raised against the governor of the Supreme Court, including criminal charges against the supervisor (adultery due to work) and penalties for crimes of badual violence.

Meanwhile, the third trial will take place on the morning of the 9th

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